"Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name, body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as well be." - Bryan Kemila, IlluminatiMatrix


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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

THOTH! By request from a Friend. "To Be Or Not To BE?"

What is THOUGHT? Are we Real? What is the Holographic Universe?

Yes, was the topic my last post. Let's do more on where thought comes from? Information below is a direct copy from The IlluminatiMatrix...except the fun clips to entertain you.

....I added some interesting Video Clips....The first is one is to show an example of when we often see say a... certain action scenes in a well done flick, Bourne Identity, The Matrix, 310 To Yma, The Punisher, we usually say to ourselves, I think it's only a movie, no human could do that...counldn't shot that fastest? Could THEY? Think again! Watch...hope you like it for the fun of it...from the movie Equilibrium with Christian Bale!

NOW take a look a close look at a few these videos and see what you think. It set the mood for the long reading below. Enjoy!

...MAYBE Christian Bale is a little slow if you ask me .... :))))

And this is one of the fasteset guitarist... The master, Greg Kock, that I'l have ever seen!

"Subliminal Messages Are Thoughts – Which Are Lies"

"Thoughts appear to make sense and relate to reality, sort of. This is why they’re subliminal. A subliminal is a message that does not rise above conscious threshold. A subliminal is designed to act on the mind at a subconscious level. That’s why the information on this site seems to almost make sense, but not quite. The 3D world is one huge subliminal. The luciferian mindset has manipulated the suggestible elite of the world to do whatever it requires to be done. If subliminal messaging were rational and able to be recognized on the conscious level, it wouldn’t be subliminal. We would never pay attention to it, and humanity would ignore this illusory 3D experience and stay connected to wisdom through awareness. The 3D illusion would then simply dissolve, or become of none importance or relevance.

For instance, if someone consciously told you to kill someone, you wouldn’t do it. That just doesn’t make rational sense. However, if someone says this is the law, “thou shalt not kill”. The subliminal message is this: if you really want to get even with someone or with society, then commit murder. The idea is just suggested in the phrasing, coupled with the fact this is the law of the land. Therefore, the way to stop killing, war, murder, and any kind of aggressive bloodshed is TO NOT HAVE A LAW AGAINST IT. It is apparent society is over-burdened with laws, and in turn, over-run with killing, corruption, lying, hatred, etc. There are laws against all these things and therefore, these things abound because of the subliminal message attached.

The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.

The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.

Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.

There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE.

(Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common).

When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS,, which is turn was meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the luciferian egregore group mind. (This will be explained and fully laid out in the pages on this site. Do not stop reading if you desire to reclaim your ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE RIGHT NOW).

The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible. Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity, (and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now."

"Thoughts Are Always Lies"

Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS.

These diagrams depict every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light. Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we believe are real.

The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are luciferian, satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm.

So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”?

Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what to do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or space. Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future. The moment decides what needs to be done. In the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is always now.

The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian illuminati agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL.

The charts below will be explained in the following pages, but for now simply understand that all colour, (3 primary) all shape forms (3 simple forms used to build any shape – line, angle, curve) and all sound (3 simple parts – volume, tone and rhythm) are all found within the structure of a beam of light. Even the DNA tape running within our physical being has a built-in alphabet-based language system. Systems based on these structures, or symbolic colour, shape form and sound, have given way to producing numbers and language derived from the physical structure within a beam of light.

Even though sound is an extremely slower frequency than light, the two are inseparable. They are welded together by a thought. A thought traps sound within a light illusion. Thought travels faster than light, and is able to contain and merge the slow frequency of sound with the faster light frequency. Every 3 dimensional object has sound locked within its structure. The recording industry deals with this very concept. However, a simple test that demonstrates how sound is locked within a light energy particle, is to burn a log and listen to the fire roar. Even with the absence of water in a substance, there will be a searing sound, however faint, sound is present.

Let’s think of ourselves as an electrical machine of some sort. To cause us to function we need to plug a power cord into an electrical outlet, flip a switch, and we fulfill our duty. In the same way our senses of sight and sound are the power cord that we plug into the manipulator’s system of numbers and language. The numbers and language (alphabet) have shape, colour and sound attached to them. These shapes, colours and sounds are the switch that turns us on. The other senses of taste, touch and smell, support the illusion manifested through the senses of sight and sound.

On this site I’ll demonstrate what words are really saying. A fine example is the word SWITCH.

SWITCH = S the letter that symbolizes the serpent – WITCH as in witchcraft.

Kaballism – Sigil Magic – The Egregore Thought Form

The characteristics of shape, colour and sound, in turn, have sigil magic strengths. SIGIL MAGIC is the ancient kaballistic knowledge of manipulating matter through sight and sound, one molecule at a time. By attaching an egregore thought form (a group thought form), and directing it towards a specific physical form, then attaching an incantation (sound), ANY and ALL physical matter (energy atoms) can be changed or manipulated, one molecule at a time. This is how everything appeared to be created in the first place, by the luciferian GROUP mindset. This is how everything still appears to be created today. In Genesis of the Old Testament, the god (lucifer) said, let there be light (divided light or energy), and there was light, and everything became visible. Nothing was really created, it just appeared to be created by the lie that conjured forth the energy. This energy had a specific form to take, due to the THOUGHT PROCESS applied to it, and so it whirls in our face, seducing us to believe it really is there. And yet it’s not there at all. The name LUCIFER means LIGHT BRINGER, or LIGHT BEARER, and it is the fabricated god of the Old Testament, and every other religious writing, that is the light bringer, or the Shaitan, the Satan, the one who brings knowledge or enlightenment.

In the course of a day we see and hear many thousands of these number and language sigil incantations. As we absorb the numbers and the language we are unconsciously manipulated into the behavior desired by the programmer. Yet, all the while we believe we act according to our free will.

For example, corporate logos are very simple sigil magic forms. The advertising of a product comes with simple colours and, if sound is available, a catchy jingle is included. Next time you drive by the golden arches of McDonald’s, just listen to what your mind is telling you. This is not a gentle nudge to nourish your physical well-being. This is a whisper from a corrupt mind that would just as soon kill you as look at you. (Incidentally, the founder of McDonald’s was a freemason – Freemasonry is the largest, secret, luciferian organization in the world today).

(The Golden Arches of McDonald’s is a symbol of the rising sun, the new age of enlightenment. Look very closely at the shape of the arches and you’ll notice that they are ONE RING OF THE ELECTRON from the ATOM SYMBOL. The significance of this will be demonstrated in the chart at the bottom of this page).

Killing us is what its all about. Slowly, methodically, lucratively, every corporate advertisement is fashioned to suck dry our wealth, our health and our wisdom. This is achieved through hypnosis via the language and number messages directing us subliminally. Eventually this leads to stress on our body, an inability to focus mentally, and in desperation we grab any form of seductive pleasure in an attempt re-energize. Corporate logos are derived from the simple forms that can be created from within a beam of light. Consider the diagram below."

The Still Small Voice of Deceit – Angels and Channeling

No matter what befalls the world, we MUST NOT FALL INTO A REACTIONARY SCENARIO thrust upon us by the illuminati. Don’t believe anything you see or hear from the media. Everyone (including me) is intentionally or unintentionally lying to you. These words are written using a flawed language system that lacks any perfect ability to convey the complete truth. People may ask, “How do we know you’re not working for the illuminati agenda“? The answer is simple, “I am working on their behalf. Due to the fact I am in a 3 dimensional physical body, using audible sounds and sigil magic alphabet forms to communicate my message, I am by default working and conjuring deceit. My intention, in spite of that, is to take the sound, shape and colour (as seen in my paintings on this site), and bounce them off each other in an irrational and illogical presentation, in the hope that someone may stop hearing the sounds, stop seeing the shapes and stop identifying with the colours of deceit. In other words, I don’t want you to hear the still small voice from within telling you what is true and right. I want that still small voice to SHUT UP. You already have wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t talk. Wisdom just knows. For this simple reason, when people channel entities and hear voices, it is always 100% of the time, luciferian inspired, because wisdom doesn’t have sound, shape or colour. There are no good angels, or bad angels, just luciferian light bringing thought forms we might refer to as demons.

Such is the MATRIX web of deceit the illuminati use to manipulate. The MATRIX is the womb, the mother, where the symbols and systems of deceit grow. The mother goddess of deceit has within her the father and the son. Likewise, the son is of the father and the mother. No matter which way we look at it, or try justify our belief system, we are all manipulated by the system. Together the triune godhead of deceit has hypnotized the masses.

Despite these flawed attempts to convey reality, my intent is that you do see the truth. No religious system or thought pattern (even my own) has complete truth in it. For all thought and all religion is built using a system of deceit. Just try to exercise one of those luciferian implanted thoughts without using language. Only wisdom is constant, powerful and true. We can rely on wisdom to guide our every moment as each moment arrives. For there truly is only ONE MOMENT. Anything else is a waste of effort – vanity and illusion. These concepts are embedded within the flawed, corrupt luciferian system.

Many searching people have uncovered data, raising awareness of the sinister nature of the illuminati global system. This so-called awareness is purposely allowed to be revealed. The luciferian cabal want us to discover what they’re up to, but not completely find out. They want us to know the majority of the world supports the illuminati agenda. Everyone assumes they’re not part of the agenda. In actual fact we are all part of the mindset that destroys and deceives on behalf of the luciferian egregore fabricated god king.

We are woven into the veil of deceit. Any reaction, revenge or resistance gives the elite the excuse they need to push forward. They will fail, of course, because this illusion called humanity has had enough. We just won’t buy into it anymore, and many folks are gaining a sense of this every day. But our awakening is dopey-eyed at best. The new consciousness of the new age light workers is doubling and tripling the dose of poison conceived previously by the scientific thinkers. New age christ consciousness is simply applying luciferian spirituality to luciferian science. When you add a lot of stupidity to a lot of stupidity you don’t become wise. You become really stupid.

New Age thinkers use the number and language system with more fervor and complexity than ever before. They combine scientific thought with spiritist notions and concoct a witches’ brew of light manipulation. This system unleashes a secret war on humanity whereby millions suffer and die, while the culprits go undetected. The illuminati families are without compassion, void of empathy, and thrive on the horror they inflict. In other words, they have no wisdom and therefore no awareness of their own. They get their power from our reaction to their conjured lies. It’s for this reason they’re not invincible.

Foundation of Illuminati Luciferian Deceit

One thing is missing from other information regarding the global agenda. That one thing is this – What is the foundational base the agenda is built upon? Rather than elaborate on the peaks of the agenda, such as the religious, educational, business, banking, media, military systems, etc., I will discuss the one simple principle at the root of all these systems. Understanding the principle root will allow humanity’s return to our original state as the luciferian agenda collapses. I refer to this as the Chameleon Principle because of the ability to alter one’s appearance, and to manipulate with serpent-like characteristics.

This principle decodes the mystery of the ages. It is the DECEPTION CALLED TIME. Remember, wisdom knows nothing. How long does it take to learn that? No time!



Firstly, religion had to be established. Religion is based on the concept that the priests know something of the unknown. In other words, they claim to have the wisdom or all seeing ability to understand the hidden things of the universe. The All Seeing Eye of Horus of ancient Egypt, the All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry, the Holy See of Catholicism, the great I Am – Eye Am of Judaism (and every spin-off organization) are all based on trickery found within the structure of a light beam.

Did you ever wonder why there’s an all seeing eye on the back of the freemason-designed US dollar bill? Or why is the pope (pope – papa – pop-eye – poppy) referred to as the holy see? Or why does religion embrace such symbols as the cross, the swastika, the six pointed star, etc. which are symbols of the all seeing eye?

Religion, including atheism and new age thought, is rooted in luciferianism – the hidden mystery mind. Pretending to know something doesn’t make one wise. The occult organizations know that all they’re doing is manipulating light energy. It’s not a big secret. However, if the gimmick is dressed in religious and scientific garb, people will believe the ark/arc of the covenant is really the presence of god in a box. It is a matter to cause electricity to arc and ultimately, electrocute whoever touches the box. This describes the Ark of the Covenant Chest of Hebrew folklore.

The symbols of manipulation include everything, everyone, and every action we perform daily. This is the number of the christ/antichrist – the SACRIFICER – 666 – that everyone has been caused to take. Not, will take. No – has taken! The world dwells in the domain of ignorance. We need not look for the antichrist to arrive, for it has long since captured our senses. Neither should we look for a christ to save us, for that is but the flip side of religious thought. What is coming is a total collapse and devastation. We need to be still, to be aware, and watch and wait without concern or any form of reaction. Become emotionally detached, come out of the TRANCE STATE, and allow the hold of the 3D illusion to dissolve.

Such is the scripted scenario from the very beginning of this 3D realm. We have been herded like sheep into an age of reason, where we consume through ignorance, all the dogma the elite feed us. We don’t need to be saved even though the demonic thought inspired holy bible says, “there is none that doeth good”. The entire bible was inspired by the luciferian egregore group mind. Every chapter and verse is a lie.

The painting below portrays the two faces of the illuminati agenda. The blood sucking vampire versus the sweet demure nun. Both will eat you alive. They represent the duality found throughout society that tempts you to pick a side. You’re tricked into loving one and hating the other, thereby generating the energy, (which is to manipulate our reality in accordance with the luciferian agenda), and that plays into the hands of the illuminati elite. Neither one is good or bad. Both are just illusions. If you BELIEVE (BEL = BAAL and IEVE = EVE or sacrifice and generation) either one is worthwhile, then you transfer your focus in accordance with the luciferian mind. It really doesn’t make any difference what you do in the physical sense, but if you give credence, or place value and worth on anything in this 3 dimensional reality, you sacrifice your wisdom."

Wake Up Time? The Illusion Called Humanity CANNOT WAKE UP!

As you read this information you may have a sense of waking from a sleep. For many it may be troubling as belief systems are challenged. Know this – those belief systems are only illusions. They are based on the hypnotic suggestion put forward by the luciferian MINDSET. These belief systems are the multi-layered veils of deceit that form the illuminatiMATRIX. Most disturbing may be the realization that it is you, and I, all of us, who are unwitting tools used by the illuminati that cause the total control of humanity. This TOTAL CONTROL is used as a distraction to manipulate us into believing that this thing called HUMANITY, is WHO and WHAT WE ARE. In REALITY, we have no relationship to HUMANITY WHATSOEVER. This is the MATRIX WEB of DECEIT.

When you realize that it’s the choices we make that cause war and disease, that perpetuate hate, pride, pollution, greed and so on … this is troubling. When we believe these choices originated within us, and by us as a person and were not the work of luciferian/light bringing Thinking Entities implanting subliminal suggestions within our subconcious minds, then our awareness evaporates, and we are deftly manipulated to follow the lunacy of the world systems, and to emotionally associate our 3D lives with these systems.

But we, all of this illusory Thought Form called Humanity, don’t want to do this. The 3D life experience being is willing to do this, but Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom, which is our Original State of Being, has no relationship whatsoever to the 3D conjured up illusory being that has been manifested, or conjured up, as a trick of the Thought Process. We’ve been misled. We’ve been deceived and tricked into hate and murder. Humanity is not born corrupt, humanity is an illusion, not real, neither corrupt, nor incorrupt. We are taught, or inspired, to perpetuate corruption and we’ve been designed with 5 senses to succumb to corrupt notions. Corruption is NOT SIN however. Corruption is simply manipulation that causes us to do things that we’re conditioned to believe are unpleasant, or harmful, and yet, tempting and emotionally stimulating to perform. Then, depending on which society of the world you find yourself in, it can be labelled SIN or NOT SIN. Who we really are, not this thing called humanity, wants to be free and aware. We are deceived to believe we are born sinners, and even deceived to believe that we were actually born, suggesting that we’re real and valid in our 3D life experience. These Thinking Entities use tactics that transcend conventional 3D warfare, such as just described. Our first task is to wake up, or become aware. Not that the illusion can wake up, but we must become aware that we are the Eternal Wisdom State. Humanity is not the Original State of Wisdom, but we must reconnect to Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom. Become emotionally disconnected from the deception meant to manipulate Reality, for Reality is Our Original State of Being, and Reality is Who and What we are, and Wisdom is Reality. Waking up, or becoming aware that we are not this 3D illusory being, and RECONNECTING, or REGAINING OUR FOCUS of Our Original Wisdom State through awareness, is the only task required to end the insanity. We simply have to become aware of what’s transpiring in this 3D realm. The human being CANNOT WAKE UP, because the human being is a Light Being, which is a Thought Form, which was conjured up by the luciferian light bringing egregore group of Thinking Entitites, which created this 3D ILLUSORY BODY OF HUMANITY. This illusion is unable to wake up to become one with Reality, or to be in touch with what Reality is. But we are not this illusory being. We are Wisdom, the Eternal Paradise State of Freedom and Liberty, and we are REALTY, for this is our original state. Just as it can be annoying and uncomfortable to wake up in the physical sense, so too, this waking up, or realization that humanity cannot wake up, is annoying, and quite frankly, forces us to question our sanity. However, Who and What we are is ALREADY AWAKE! Who and What we are NEVER FELL ASLEEP! It’s simply the 3D illusory life experience that was conjured up by the luciferian Thinking Entities that keeps listening to the thoughts implanted within our illusory minds that convinces us that we are this 3 dimensional illusory being, when we have nothing in Reality, and in common, with this illusion.

Now Who and What do you suppose wants us to believe that we are this mass of clay, this ball of shit, this hopeless and pathetic thing we call humanity? Of course it’s that Entity we call God, or Lucifer, the light bringer, which is not God, and is not our Creator, (for We Always Were), but is the egregore group of Thinking Entities that conjured up the illusion called the 3D universe, with the loftiest notion within this illusion, called Humanity. All we have to do is to regain our focus on our Original State of Being, which is Wisdom, and to be free of the Matrix web of deceit, is to forfeit any emotional connection to this illusory 3D life form experience.

… simply WATCH and WAIT!

The Chameleon Principle is derived from the physics of light. More to the point, it is based on the formulation and manipulation of light. Understanding the simple STRUCTURE OF A BEAM OF LIGHT releases volumes of information about who we have been programmed to think we are, what the universe appears to be, and the interconnection of it all. Most importantly, it reveals how the luciferian/illuminati mind uses this illusion to manipulate the world. We are, quite literally, manipulated to believe we are the light of the world. Every physical manifestation is light energy. E=mc2 states this matter of factly. Multiply mass by the speed of light times the speed of light and the mass becomes light energy once again. Slow it down, it becomes mass and visible. Speed it up again and it disappears to the naked eye. The only thing capable of manipulating energy in this way is a thought. A thought is the concept of living outside the moment that appears to create light energy. This thought, when combined with sound, slows and drags the energy down to make every thing physical appear.

The Religious Electrical Ark/Arc of the Covenant

Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD.

The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An angel of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of darkness.


Every religious system emerged from the concept of light and dark. This exhibits the duality nature of the luciferian egregore thought form. This is the origin of the hypnotic control of humanity, via religion and intellectualism. We can now observe the mind of diablo – the diabolical one. We may recognize we’ve been in agreement with diablo, the group ruler of the luciferian illuminati agenda. If we can face it and press on, we can give up the struggle, disconnect emotionally and simply emerge from the prison of deceit. We can share our understanding with someone else, who will tell someone else, …and the cycle of deception will end.

The luciferian illuminati mindset has established an effective system to control humanity. This system is one deceit layered upon another, upon another … endlessly. The religious system had to come first. Trauma through guilt and fear is the basic hypnotic control mechanism. Instill fear through trauma and you automatically instill control. This is hypnosis. Living with any form of fear is living in a hypnotic state. Be it the indoctrinated fear of hell, death, or whatever, any form of fear is hypnosis.

Of course, it’s at this point in the discussion the religious person quips, “oh yes, the other fellow’s religion is hypnotic enslavement, but mine is the true religion”. Or, “The other fellow believes in the triune god, but I only believe in Jesus.”There is no truth in any religious system. There is a mirror of truth. It is a mirrored image that is exactly opposite, or veils awareness. It looks like the truth, but it’s backwards. For instance, the judeo-christian bible speaks of an antichrist and of a christ or messiah. Both of these concepts are the imagination of the luciferian LIGHT BRINGER mindset. This mindset plays black against white, up against down. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. This mindset states it is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. In reality, there is no beginning or end. Wisdom is eternal, no beginning and no end. Remember this mirror technique as you read on. To mirror, or to do things backwards, or in reverse is a major luciferian illuminati tool. When the hypnotic state is multiplied by many layers of deceit-filled systems, the MATRIX web controls humanity.

One of the basic forms of hypnotic suggestion is to show a form, a sound or shape, a word or even a complete written message in reverse. A simple example, LIVE is EVIL, when written in reverse. This is done repeatedly in the 3D existence. When a written or spoken phrase seems to say something caring and kind, it is really a subliminal for just the opposite. It’s all in how thoughts are phrased, the tone, and how condescending it appears. Just listen to any doctor, politician, teacher, lawyer, priest and the like, and it becomes obvious they lie with every breath. In many instances, these professionals don’t even consider it to be lies, but simply manipulation of our reality to conform to the direction they desire our existence to proceed. Indoctrination in intellectual concepts places those willing to be indoctrinated, into an extremely deep trance state, and then implanting those concepts necessary to spread the trance state throughout society. How could you expect anything else? This is what they’ve been trained to do. This site will demonstrate the power found in the use of shapes, reversed or not, with a luciferian identity attached to it.

The following diagrams and charts show how this is accomplished.

When the three primary colours overlap at equi-distance of 120 degrees apart, the resulting symbol shows as an atom symbol. When doing additive colour mixing, when the light does not strike a physical surface, to absorb or reflect light, such as a rainbow or the colours on a TV screen, it creates a white hexagon. When doing subtractive colour mixing, where light strikes a physical pigment based surface, it creates a black hexagon. In both instances, a hexagon is produced, and it is this hexagon, that is the tool used to manipulate humanity into the hypnotic trance state.

(The 3 electron atom symbol does not exist in any element. It was developed by the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS merely as a tool to create the total blueprint used in hypnotic suggestion).

Furthermore, it is the pigment based 3 dimensional space that is used to a greater extent to create the illusion that manipulates, so the information on this site will refer predominantly to the black hexagon. It is this black hexagon that is the nucleus of the atom. The electrons spin around the outside of the atom, and form the illusory notion of a nucleus. Religious thought originates from this concept as demonstrated below.

In sun god worship the black and white colours are considered sacred. Black and white symbolize the duality nature of the whole 3 dimensional illusion. It’s for this reason that Freemasons, Christian ministers and priests, amongst a whole host of other sun god, or son of god worshipping thought forms, manifest black and white in their costume and symbols.

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.


Click here to watch video.

All physical 3D energy is light, and all energy has an electrical field. There are positive male and negative female poles. The electrons are the smallest part of the atom and are referred to as the female negative energy. They circle the nucleus. The nucleus houses the protons – the positive male energy. As well, the nucleus has the neutrons which are almost identical in size to the protons, but are neutral – neither positive or negative. The 3 primary colours overlapping within a beam of light, cause the symbol of the atom to be formed. This is the basis for all religious and scientific thought. All religious and scientific thought is luciferian, which means, all thought results in the conjuring up of light.

Pay attention to the fact it is the electrons – the female negative energy, that create the nucleus – the womb – in which the male protons and the neutral neutrons reside. Here’s how it works.


The negative female energy is represented by the electrons.
These particles are the smallest of the atom just as the woman is generally physically smaller than the male.
This is the mother goddess of religion – (Semiramis/Isis/Mary etc.) Everything we see in the 3 dimensional space is an electron. In other words, everything visible is the female, or the woman, seducing and distracting all from reality. Again, this is not good or bad, its just the way it is.

The positive male energy is represented by the protons.
The protons are larger than the female electrons.
This is the father god. – (Cronus/Jehovah/El etc.)

The neutral energy is represented by the neutrons.
The neutrons are almost as large as the protons and represent the seed.
This is the son of god. Because of the neutrality of the neutrons, this is the prince of peace – the mediator – (Tammuz/Horus/Zeus/Jesus etc.)
The SEED is ONE with the FATHER.

This is the source of the Triune Godhead in religion. This is the worship of the woman. The Father and the Son are embedded within the nucleus. The woman is revolving around the nucleus. The father and the son (the protons and neutrons) are one in the nucleus. This is recorded in religious writings – The Father and the Son are One. However, this is the worship of the woman due to the fact the electrons are whirling around the protons and neutrons at incredible speed, completely blocking out the protons and neutrons from the naked eye. All we see in the 3D realm are electrons, the female portion of the triune god. This is why everything we see is so captivating, it is the beauty and seduction of the woman.

The manipulation of a light beam produces symbols, shapes, colours and sounds, through thoughts, and the accompanying doctrine (dogma and incantations), directly and deceitfully throws a veil over our ability to connect to wisdom. This occurs because we have been tricked to believe we are physically created and that life is breathed into us. In reality we have always been present, but through hypnotic suggestion, we believed our physical and mental being is reality. Life wasn’t breathed into us. Quite the opposite! A thick veil of deceit, illusion and death, has been cast over us, all in the name of the pretty rainbow of light we refer to as coming from god.

Hypnotic suggestion follows the same routine again and again. We grow up being seduced by, and responding to, the female form. When we reach puberty, we start having thoughts – sexual thoughts. This leads to the hypnotically suggested sex act, which leads to the hypnotically suggested pregnancy, which leads to the hypnotically suggested birth of a baby. All was conjured by one thought after another. Thoughts are lies, without fail. Sex thoughts, as lovely as they are, are lies. The end product of sex is the birth of yet another illusion.

This is not who and what we are! The 3 dimensional body is just the luciferian egregore group thought form, toying with our awareness, and disconnecting us from our original wisdom state.

This manipulation of light, or the male and female (positive and negative) has also produced the sex ritual/fertility symbol in use since ancient Babylon. The 6 pointed star symbolizes the sexual union of the man and the woman, once again forming the seductive hexagon of darkness in the centre. (A white hexagon formed in ADDITIVE COLOUR MIXING is just as symbolically seductive).

This next chart demonstrates the sound/word association the luciferian mind uses to manipulate the world. This is not scientific in the least. And that’s just the point. Science is Seance and a total sham. Just as religion and every other system in the world is a distortion of wisdom.

Hypnosis has hindered my ability to reason things clearly, also. My life has been an experience of believing one lie after another. This occurs not because I want to be lied to, but the moment I develop a belief system, I leave the moment – the place where wisdom exists. Therefore, to remain outside the hypnosis state I must not become emotionally connected to the thoughts intellectually implanted within, or build a belief structure. There’s no need for a belief structure, as wisdom knows all things. As we watch and wait, we reconnect to this unlimited knowing, and in watching and waiting, reclaiming our eternal paradise state occurs.

The information put forward in these pages might bring forth the need to defend your personal views. In the 3D sense of things we really don’t know much of anything. In the REALITY STATE of WISDOM, we KNOW ALL THINGS, and the patience of wisdom, is our power and strength. There is nothing much for the ego to boast. Once again, in REALITY, we have NO EGO. Only in this 3 dimensional experience, the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS implants the notion of EGO, however, its THEIR EGO, not OURS, and its THEIR THOUGHTS not OURS, that’s conjured up the 3D realm. None of us illusory human beings have an EGO. EGO was exercised in the eternal paradise state by the luciferian egregore group who THOUGHT THEY KNEW SOMETHING. This THOUGHT PROCESS immediately conjured up THEIR IDEAS which we witness as the 3D PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. Look in any direction around you, and everything you see is just the mind of the THINKERS manifesting their lunacy as the 3D PLANE. What you’re witnessing, as you observe the 3D existence, is the very creator god, the supreme being, who is nothing more than an EGO, exploding with THOUGHT, that created a WORD. The WORD has SOUND which VIBRATES. This VIBRATION is ENERGY that GLOWS, and GLOWING is LIGHT. And LIGHT is EVERYTHING YOU SEE. Everything you SEE is LIGHT, and God is supposed to be the LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus is supposed to be the LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus is also, the WORD, we’re told. The LIGHT – WORD – EGO – THOUGHT – SOUND – VIBRATION – ENERGY – GLOWING – all this is god, and is the visible 3D experience. In turn, this is the hypnotic manipulation of our reality, through this KABBALISTIC lunacy that separates us from REALITY. This may be painful, but this is also the awakening and the liberation. Removing our ego is waking up from the hypnotic trance.

Something that will be demonstrated as you progress through this site, will be the name of ALLAH, and how this name permeates the whole world in subliminal form. One such example of this is seen in the word KABBALA. Bear with me, those of you who haven’t progressed through this site yet, as I show the meaning of this word from a subliminal perspective. Then as you read into the later pages, from about 25 and on, it will become exceedingly clear, the validity of this interpretation.

KA – Killing or King force
BA – Sacrifice
LA – L A or Allah – which in turn is LA or LOS ANGELES

The First Man and Woman – Adam and Eve – Atom and Eye
The first human creations referred in the judeo/christian bible are Adam and Eve. Simply put, Adam is the Atom, the first man. Eve is the Coming of the LIGHT, the light emanating from the ATOM. Therefore, the names Adam and Eve are referring to the Atom’s Light, or the Atom’s EYE, or again, the ALL SEEING EYE. This is the Ayin of judaism, where something is created out of nothing. The essence of kabbalism is thinking a thought of corresponding sound and shape, and matter appears. This is the light of the Atom and the light of the Eye. This is the duality nature, the DIVIDED LIGHT, of the whole 3 dimensional world. This is the illusion the great and loving god created around us. This was deliberately and intentionally done so that we would experience the illusion of death, and through this illusion, be manipulated into fear and guilt through the concept of SIN, and the ONLY WAY OF ESCAPE would be to call out to the SAVIOUR GOD to RESCUE US from our pitiful selves. Quite the fucked up scam when you get right down to it.

As stated at the top of the page, the elite illuminati leaders, through their puppet governments, are deliberately trying to kill us. Now you may have a clearer picture of how and why.

The following pages show how the number system is derived from the manipulation of light. The pages from 2 to 12 lay the foundation for how these systems began. From page 13 and on, the detail of what is transpiring in the world is not available on any known site, or any other source. All charts, text, and paintings have been personally produced for demonstrating the luciferian agenda on this site. I encourage everyone to go through all the pages, but I also encourage everyone to skip ahead to pages 13 and on, to track with events that are happening day to day, as the agenda is unfolding at a fantastic pace. Go to the top of the page and click on the Page 2 – WHY 3D – Intellectualism button in the navigation bar on the right side of the page.

Click here to watch video.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Blues!

Anonymous said...

"Great Post! And I'm glad you're back posting regularly!

The deception goes deep! I am a third generation and life-long J-Witness who depended on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
I have watched my devoted grandfather and many others DIE while waiting for the Great Tribulation and Christ's return and Paradise on earth and LIVING FOREVER!
What God allows such a misery of existence? If I were God I would not allow it."

Hello Readers.

Thank you for sharing Anon. Agreed, people/sheeple wait their whole illusionary life and to wait for what....NOTHING! We are already perfect, all knwoing beings and we don't need this world...or do we or do we just think we need it?

Anon... made a good point here and I thought it would be fun to see what the readers thought. What might you do if you were GOD...ruler of the Universe?

Here are two songs by Anothony Gomes who one of my favorite Blues Musician. He's an excellent musician and a very good writer. Keep in mind that the writer intends a certain meaning behind the song(s) and it's often to be left open for your own interpretation and yet the underlying subliminal meaning(s) can be totally different. Why...because they really know not what they write, they are unware. Thoths are not ours! Our minds are not ours! It's called "The MIND". So where does thinking really come from? If it's not from our brain but it is IN THE MIND...how does it get there? Questions...so many questions!

Here are two songs I selected. For thoses of you might be interested, let me know what thoughts come to MIND as you listen. I'll comment later on what I think it means as well. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates an ionospheric heating facility, capable of transmitting over 1 GW (1,000,000,000 watts) effective radiated power (ERP), near Tromsø in Norway.

Harpers Harping On Their H.A.A.R.P.’s

The CHEMTRAIL activity has been undertaken by the Thought Process to establish in a subliminal way, the coming of a New World, or the Kingdom of God. Chemtrails are designed to implant suggestions of CHANGE, massive CHANGE, including the environment, the population, and the belief systems of the world. Everything illusory and 3D, is bearing witness that things will not continue as they once were.

The people behind these hideous schemes, who serve the luciferian Mindset, are also behind the H.A.A.R.P. experiments. (High Activity Auroral Research Program – Patent #4686685 License to Control and Alter the Atmosphere). The purpose of this patent is to control Life by controlling the Climate. HAARP also holds a patent to use large amounts of Barium in the atmosphere. When sunlight hits this concentration, electron density increases dramatically. This can then be manipulated to perform the same function as a HEATH TYPE NUCLEAR DEVICE WITHOUT A DETONATION. A Heath Weapon can lift the magnetic field of the earth itself without the expenditure of massive amounts of energy. Communication and Radar interference or enhancement as well as the ability to TOTALLY CONTROL THE WEATHER are the ambitions of the HAARP agenda.

Keep in mind, this is the luciferian agenda, set into motion by the actions of the illuminati elite. This is hypnotic manipulation, with strong subliminal suggestion that brings about the very things that are suggested with the creation these inventions, and this is the agenda of our political leaders running the world today. This is a highly sophisticated electro-magnetic grid in the state of Alaska. From this position, high altitude frequency signals are sent into the atmosphere and the resulting reflection back to earth, creates an immense amount of energy which penetrates deep into the earths core. One problem with this little trick, is that the frequency used to perform this deed, is that the same frequency is used by the human brain to function properly.

The positioning of this grid in ALASKA is not some random choice. In upcoming pages, it will be shown how the State of Alaska is related to the religion of ISLAM and the mythology surrounding MUHAMMAD.

What we must realize, is that this CHEMTRAIL and HAARP acitvity is being done, not just for the reasons stated, but to act as a smokescreen for how it is actually carried out, that of subliminal hypnotic suggestion. The intended devastation coming, will not be a result of CHEMTRAILS and HAARP frequencies, it will only appear to be. The devastion and manipulation of Reality will be a result of mass hypnosis. For this reason, we are all being allowed to find out that all these things are going on, and at the same time, told they’re not. This creates a distraction, and confusion, and the resulting loss of focus on Reality, and then replaced with a fervent desire to maintain this illusory 3D realm, or more literally, to maintain our 3D life experience. In other words, we don’t want to die.

Those hideous clouds of poison which are being distributed throughout the whole world, causes every eye to indeed see them. These chemtrails are passed into the atmosphere by commercial jet liners and military jets under the guise of being simple jet exhaust vapour trails. THEY ARE NOT! What you have are a host of cancers, sedatives, vaccines, heavy metals, molds, fungi,…etc. These poisonous agents are meant to sedate us, or make us sick or dead. The elite of the world have been inspired to enter into this manipulation of the environment, for the purpose of creating anxiety and stress, to manipulate the already deeply entranced, who will, in turn, manipulate the whole body of humanity on behalf of the luciferian agenda.

NUFF SAID or should I say NUFF SEEN!

Friday, May 20, 2011

What is THOUGHT? Are we Real? What is the Holographic Universe?

Do you know the true power of your thoughts? The truth is stunning. It's All In The Mind!

Max Planck was told that there was nothing new to be discovered in physics. He was about to embark on a career in physics that would set that idea on its ear.

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (April 23, 1858 – October 4, 1947) was a German physicist who is regarded as the founder of the quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

German physicist and one of the founding fathers of Quantum Theory, Max Planck, said that “all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration which holds the atom together. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.“

In other words, the substance of the universe, of your reality, may be nothing more than consciousness or thought. Consciousness forms the building blocks of the universe and everywhere that consciousness explores, with the expectation that something will be there, it also creates. If Quantum Theory is correct, it implies that to change your current reality, all you need to do is change the frequency of your thoughts.

This happens through a phenomenon known as “thought transference.” You see, although the solidity of our world seems indisputable, Quantum Theory suggests that our physical reality is nothing but a very elaborate mirage. A super-hologram of information and energy. A Matrix.

All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream!

According to this theory, the chair you’re sitting on, your computer, your house, your car, everything that exists around you, could be an illusion. So then how do we see, touch, feel, and smell the things that surround us if none of it really exists?

The answer is that all physical matter is the result of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. A frequency that if you alter, change or amplify in any way, you change your physical and current reality.

We all know from physics class that if you increase the vibrational frequency of water particles through heat energy, you create steam and if you slow them down by removing heat energy, you create ice. And just like heat, our thoughts too are energy.

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.

(The above is a 5 PART SERIES. Click on part 2, 3, 4, 5... etc if they don't run on their own)

Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS.

These diagrams depict every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light. Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we believe are real.

The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are luciferian, satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm.

So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”?

Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what to do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or space. Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future. The moment decides what needs to be done. In the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is always now.

The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian illuminati agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL.

For now simply understand that all colour, (3 primary) all shape forms (3 simple forms used to build any shape – line, angle, curve) and all sound (3 simple parts – volume, tone and rhythm) are all found within the structure of a beam of light. Even the DNA tape running within our physical being has a built-in alphabet-based language system. Systems based on these structures, or symbolic colour, shape form and sound, have given way to producing numbers and language derived from the physical structure within a beam of light.

Even though sound is an extremely slower frequency than light, the two are inseparable. They are welded together by a thought. A thought traps sound within a light illusion. Thought travels faster than light, and is able to contain and merge the slow frequency of sound with the faster light frequency. Every 3 dimensional object has sound locked within its structure. The recording industry deals with this very concept. However, a simple test that demonstrates how sound is locked within a light energy particle, is to burn a log and listen to the fire roar. Even with the absence of water in a substance, there will be a searing sound, however faint, sound is present.

Let’s think of ourselves as an electrical machine of some sort. To cause us to function we need to plug a power cord into an electrical outlet, flip a switch, and we fulfill our duty. In the same way our senses of sight and sound are the power cord that we plug into the manipulator’s system of numbers and language. The numbers and language (alphabet) have shape, colour and sound attached to them. These shapes, colors and sounds are the switch that turns us on. The other senses of taste, touch and smell, support the illusion manifested through the senses of sight and sound.

What are words are really saying? A fine example is the word SWITCH.

SWITCH = S the letter that symbolizes the serpent – WITCH as in witchcraft.

"The Real Illuminati Agenda" by the IlluminatiMatrix.

The luciferian illuminati agenda is not just to create a world society controlled by fascism, communism, capitalism, socialism, and every other “ism” all rolled up into one. Their ultimate desire is for humanity to cling to this illusory 3D existence.

We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT.

Consider this. Those exposing the luciferian illuminati agenda are christians, jews, other religious zealots, ex-CIA sex slaves, New Age spiritists, scientists and the like. I have yet to read information from any source that points directly at the real culprit in all this … the luciferian mindset. They don’t point the finger because they don’t recognize the direct involvement of these THINKING ENTITIES in manipulating the whole 3D agenda experience. If this were to be recognized and research was done into the dark mysteries of Babylon, the realization would soon point to themselves and their misled belief systems.
However, I don’t exclude myself, or anyone for that matter, from being used by the luciferian mindset in perpetuating the 3D illusory trance state. Every 3 dimensional form is meant to support and extend the lunatic notion that the 3D experience has some basis in reality. We are all enemies of REALITY, and because we go looking for the enemy in everything else other than ourselves, we will never find, (on an individual basis), or conquer the real adversary that disconnects each one of our illusory 3D forms from reality.

This site is concerned with the real culprit stirring the manipulative witches brew. Furthermore, the solution for ridding ourselves of this culprit is also discussed. It is surprisingly simple how to bring this hideous hypnotic control to an end. However, because of the reverse psychology applied to our consciousness, the tricky part is realizing the simplicity of dissolving this demonic agenda. We want to keep the 3 dimensional world experience intact. Therefore, we unwittingly keep the luciferian illuminati thought form alive. The luciferian THOUGHT FORM is a room full of mirrors, reflecting the initial illusion countless times, until the immense vastness of the reflection overwhelms any sane individual from even beginning to question its existence or reality. Because of this, no one of sound mind even dares to cross over that fine line between reason and lunacy. However, the power of these mirrors reflecting their illusion also retains its own destruction. All it takes is for ONE MIRROR TO CRACK, and they ALL REFLECT THE CRACK in the same instance and the ILLUSION IS FINISHED.

The illuminati – Moriah Conquering Wind – the Olympians – it doesn’t matter what moniker you give them, they are the elite royal bloodlines who orchestrate world affairs on behalf of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS that conjured everything up initially. Yet even they pay homage to this luciferian force so cunningly deceptive, that they are being manipulated as well. They do the bidding of this sinister mind without hesitation because they are the direct, emotionally connected offspring of this entity. They fulfill their duty to the luciferian lord through the academic and religious systems of corruption which they have created for the express purpose of destroying our connection with WISDOM and with REALITY. The intellectual systems of the world are the THOUGHT PROCESS SYSTEMS that indoctrinate our illusory 3D life forms into a state of extreme hypnotic TRANCE CONTROL.

The greater the intellectual knowledge acquired, the greater the degree of hypnosis, and the greater the degree of responding to the luciferian mindset and its agenda for total control of REALITY.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

NIBIRU - The Truth about Planet X and The Matrix

People want you to believe the photos are real and are pictures of Nibiru. This video shows you what they may really be.

I don't believe we have a PLANET X about to come close to OUR EARTH in the next few years. It's just another big HOAX to keep people (the sheeple) distracted from the truth and further in a TRANCE STATE. I do agree that there will be MASS distruction on our planet in the next few years but it's not going to be caused with a FLY-BY of the all mysterious Planet X. What you will be seeing are natural disasters one after another increasing in intensity & with more frequency over the next several years. These will be of BIBLICAL size & predictions but not created by GOD (no such thing). These so called "NATURAL DISASTERS" will appear very much Natural & Very Real. You name it and it's going to happen. But they will be MAN made, controlled and activated with our wonder H.A.A.R.P devices, Nuclear Bombs (planted underground at stategic points), etc... to create or set off Volcanoes & Earthquakes, country consuming FLOODS and much more. You think I am kidding...don't you? Unfortunately, I wish I was.

Now please don't think I what you & your families or friends to prepare yourself & head for the hills like in the movie "Deep Impact" etc. It won't matter where you go. As an example, if just the Volcano under Yellowstone National Parks blows....it would cover up to half (50%) the USA in about 3 feet of ASH & DUST. Hmmm...

Now why would the Leaders/Elites of the world do this? It's in their DNA and they really don't know why they do it other than they believe it's the RIGHT Solution...to cleanse the planet of about 6 Billion humans leaving about 500 Million or so. Just enough people to restart the World Growth with much fewer people, as to not use up the planets resources. Think about it... do the Elites really care if they pollute this planet? If they did then why are they the one's doing the pollutiong? Big Intustry Pollutes and the Governments of the world let it happen. Oh yes they talk of controls and taxation but that's a scam to keep us controled, take more money and assest from us by saying we need to clean things up for us! WTF, it's not for us...it's for them and the few millions that will be left once their plan is complete, if it works.

It's like the Story/Movie of the Matrix, when Neo finds out that the ONE is a myth and the machines destroys the world population of existing humans in Zion 5 times, now about to be 6...then the cycle starts again.

Read for yourself. Here is the conversation between Neo (human 3D Illusion) & The Architect (aka our Thought Enties controlling us) from the Matrix Reloaded... I will add a few comments noted as "DS888"

The Architect's Speech (Condensed)

The Architect: Hello, Neo.

Neo: Who are you?

The Architect: I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.

The Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.

Neo: Bullshit.

The Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
(DS888: 5 = SACRIFICER & 6 = SACRIFICER – the Christ/Antichrist notion)

The Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world.

Neo: If I were you, I would hope we don't meet again.

The Architect: We won't.

The Architect: Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

The Architect: As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly ninety-nine percent of the test subjects accepted the program provided they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of it at a near-unconscious level. While this solution worked, it was fundamentally flawed, creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that, if left unchecked, might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those who refused the program, while a minority, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.
(DS888: 90%: 9 = FALL – the 1st month of the conjured up creation)

Neo: This is about Zion.

The Architect: There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the Source and the salvation of Zion. The door to your left leads back to the Matrix, to her... and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do, don't we? Already I can see the chain reaction: the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you to the simple and obvious truth: she is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
(DS888: 2 = DUALITY – Black & White – North/South – Up/Down)

Neo: Why am I here?

The Architect: Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

Neo: You haven't answered my question.

The Architect: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

The Architect: The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the matrix 23 individuals, 16 female, 7 male, to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.
(DS888: 16 = Lincoln, one of the Lion Kings
1 = New Age – New Season – New World = ONE = WON = NWO = NOW
7 = Perfection and Completion
16/2 = 8 = TOTAL CONTROL – the Octagon – the Double Cross)

Neo: You won't let it happen, you can't. You need human beings to survive.

The Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.

The Architect: The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect. It was a work of art. Flawless. Sublime. A triumph only equaled by its monumental failure.

The Architect: It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were, by design, based on a similar predication: a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the One. While the others experienced this in a general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-à-vis: love.

Neo: Trinity.

The Architect: Apropos, she entered the Matrix to save your life at the cost of her own.

Neo: No...

The Architect: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the Anomaly revealed as both beginning... and end."


The new world order has long been established, but a subliminal hex must be cast over humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is legit, that the 3 dimensional life experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is convinced of success. However, it has failed. We now know what the scenario really consists of, how it was perpetuated using the illusory manifestation known as humanity, and most importantly, how to end the illusion.

The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulate the illuminati pyramid through a process of hypnotic mind control, know as kabbalism. This pyramid is in a DEEP TRANCE STATE and is composed of the elite royal bloodlines that control world affairs. Institutions such as the Vatican, the Monarchy, the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the US Federal Reserve, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, World Wildlife Federation, Greenpeace, the Salvation Army (Red Shield-Rothschild), The Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant and Evangelical Christian Organizations, the World Zionist Movement, the media, the movie industry, the recording industry, the Corporation of the United States of America … you name it, they own it and manipulate it in one way or another. Their agenda is saturated with deceit and corruption. The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby generating fear and hypnosis, in much the same manner as they, themselves, have been manipulated into being pawns for the luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian/illuminati mindset feeds insatiably on this fear. However, all the organizations and world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and are a decoy to throw everyone off the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over the next few years, and most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond. This site will explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory experience known as the 3 dimensional world.

The Birth of Intellectualism – The Invention of Babylon the Great!

A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a specific shape, actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t really there, only the illusion of the shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the atom symbol when observed in 2 dimensions. But how could the ancient mystics possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000 years ago? There were no microscopes. The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand. They were in the presence of light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured forth. The luciferian group mind did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created this illusory light by just thinking it. The light bringer, lucifer, thereby created colour, shape and sound. The luciferian group mindset is the creator of heaven and earth, the light bearer, or more accurately, the divider of light and creator of duality.

As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of the term, christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the creator of LIGHT or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the world, the messianic christ-all, that convinces us the 3D illusion is real.

This mystical information is known as kabbalism (cabbalism) which has been passed on to the luciferian pawns, the illuminati elite power brokers, but with a slight twist, THE ILLUMINATI ELITE ARE ALSO UNAWARE OF THE INFORMATION YOU NOW READ if you so choose. The rulers of ancient Sumer/Babylon were the first to receive the knowledge of kabbalism. These leaders laid claim to the divine right of kings to rule. In other words, some god gave them the right to be royal or chosen. The word ROYAL, especially the first 2 letters, RO, appear often in tracking the luciferian thought process. RO is the source of the word Royal. To become ROYAL, one must RISE ABOVE ALL. This Royal Rise is the Rose, the Order of the Rose that rules the world through hypnotic suggestion. In the word ROYAL, a very major subliminal message is implanted and completely undetected.

ROYAL = ROSE AL = RISE ALL-AH =RISE ALLAH = RISE LA = Los Angeles and the RISING Pacific Ocean

The luciferian agenda is centred around the destruction of the SPIRIT of Los Angeles, the LUCIFERIAN FABRICATED spirit of whoredoms. The luciferian egregore group mind conjured up the notion of good and bad, right and wrong, and cast whoredoms in the camp of the bad. This ultimately gives, what would appear to be just cause, to bring about a world cataclysm and time of judgment. This judgment and cleansing of the earth will be meted out on the 11 Western States, and ultimately throughout the whole world.

The whole luciferian agenda, and the timeline of the events that are meant to come to pass will become exceedingly evident. All evidence hinges around the symbolism of the World Trade Centre attack, which in turn relate to the ROCK that the illusory Jesus proclaimed, he would build his church upon.


The Rose of Babylon, The Egyptian Order of the Rosy Cross, The Holy Rosary of the Vatican, The London Rose, all of which lead to the White House and the Rose Bush family and their famous Rose Garden. It doesn’t end there, however. The Rose continues within the Qing Dynasty and ultimately to the Pacific Ocean that Rose, and is Rising for the final calamity.

These chosen people of Babylon became known as god’s chosen people and, through a series of mythical maneuverings throughout these illusory ages, with countless conjured up ‘god stories’, the ultimate favoured nation of the luciferian lord became known as the Israelites. Remember though, it was only the rulers of the empire who laid claim to the divine right to rule. They in turn adopted a group (common Babylonians) to manipulate via the sharing of kabbalistic knowledge. Thus the shaman/priest was anointed and religion was established. Even today, many jewish people still practise kabbalism as part of their faith. However, it’s not only in judaism that one sees the kabbalistic principles applied (kabbalism is sun god or light worship). Christianity is also kabbalism. As is Islam and every form of religion in the world, including atheism. Different names, rituals and holy days have been applied, but the worship of a supreme being, the LIGHT, is the ultimate dogma. That supreme being is the light bringer, luciferian egregore, the conjuring group creator, who in turn are the kabbalistic group of thinking entities.


As the centuries slid by kabbalism was employed by many other groups. Eventually it was passed into the hands of the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Society of Jesuits. The Knights Templar (the Christian Crusaders) also laid claim to this knowledge around 1000 AD, which morphed into the Secret Society of Freemasonry as well as other Secret Societies today. The mystic knowledge is passed on to whomever is appointed to further the luciferian agenda, which agenda is, the intellectual learned knowledge of the 3 dimensional illusion. Learned knowledge is kabbalistic mind control through hypnotic repetitious indoctrination, be it religious or scientific in its make up.


From ancient Babylon to present day freemasonry, the rulers of the globalist empires have intermarried since the beginning of human history. In this way the limited kaballistic information given to the elite is certain to be maintained through the notion that blood runs thicker than water. In other words, the information given to the elite of the world, though limited, was to be kept as a sacred family heirloom. For instance, the royal families of Europe, who really are all one family, strictly intermarry, and will shun any family member who marries a commoner with no royal ancestry. This is the luciferian inspired elitist bloodline, with the alleged divine right to rule. These are the chosen people of god (in their own eyes) as stated in the new testament, which is the new/next stage of the agenda).

This race of god’s chosen people, the Jews, is emboldened through the christian religion. The Christians, in turn, claim to be the chosen people by choosing to be supporters of the chosen people. If this sounds convoluted, it’s meant to be. Christianity is but an extension of the old testament of god’s chosen people. The free world can now partake in the ignorance of accepting the Jesus myth. Even though there have been dozens of messiahs prior to Jesus, and they all happened to be born on December 25. Most of them were crucified and resurrected on the third day. All were born of a virgin, etc. The Jewish/Christian connection then enjoined with the creation of Islam in the early 7th century AD. This brought together the 3 major players, collectively known as the Children of Abraham, or the children of HUMAN SACRIFICE, who form approximately half of the world population, and the luciferian/illuminati agenda entrusted to conquer our connection to reality through this kabbalistic group entity, going back to ancient Babylon and the ARAB WORLD, the ABRAHAMIC WORLD, and the CRADLE of the ILLUSORY 3 DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE.