The following are direct quote from the IM (lluminatiMatrix! written by Bryan Kemila)
At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described on this site are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds, fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are.
The god Zeus had 12 lesser gods with him on Mount Olympus.
The god Jesus / JeZeus had 12 lesser gods called disciples.
Zeus and JeZeus are just 2 names for the same ‘god’.
Different names for the same god assists in hiding and perpetuating
the fabricated notion of a divine principle, and that there is actually such a thing as god. This is for the express purpose of furthering the luciferian agenda of lunacy through the Thought Process.
the fabricated notion of a divine principle, and that there is actually such a thing as god. This is for the express purpose of furthering the luciferian agenda of lunacy through the Thought Process.
One symbol of Zeus was the SWAN.
The painting and chart immediately below showing Zeus raping Leda, the father and mother of Helen of Troy (borrowed from page 67), is just one example of Zoophilia, or the lust love of animals, referred to as beastelity, for which Zeus was famous for. Zeus was said to be a lover of women, men, and animals. This has been taught and perpetuated throughout history as being an activity associated with the gods.
… of course, nothing is right or wrong, as there’s no such thing as right or wrong in this illusory 3D world. However, it’s incredibly hypocritical to condemn these activities for the masses when the very mythological gods they worship are taught to have taken part in these activities.
We’re also taught of Jesus, that he too, was constantly spending his time with his male companions, the disciples. Sometimes spending time with Mary, Mary, and Martha. (All 3 of whom were simply the same woman, but repeated 3 times to instil the MAR, OCEAN, FLOOD hypnotic subliminal). Even in the Old Testament, the names of Ester (Astarte) and Marion, were all references to MARY, or MAR, the Ocean or Sea. Even within the Muslim religion, homosexuality is taught in the Qur’an.
The short form of ZOOPHILIA is ZOOS.
Of course, Zeus and Jesus never did exist, however the teaching of zoophilia is an aspect of sexuality that has been implanted within the human psyche, for the express purpose of using it to condemn any who practice this form of lust and sex. The Thought Process is merciless when it comes to conjuring up this body of humanity which may respond to any and all notions of lust, … only to be condemned, ridiculed, and berated for being conjured up in such a fashion, even though humanity had no say whatsoever in how they were thrust into this 3D illusory plane.
And of course, … it’s the moralists who do even darker and more hideous deeds inspired by their own lusts. But they do them in the darkness and privacy of their minds and hidden away in some special room. It’s for this reason they preach morality and love, for they always feel they have a need to hide any or all of their natural inclinations that humanity feels in regard to lust and sex. When you hear the upstanding moral preachers and teachers proclaiming LOVE and MORALITY, … remember, … you’re looking and listening to a liar, a fake, a fraud, and a manipulated fool! Realize, that these fakes are everywhere.
So today, in the new totalitarian world that’s emerging, … just like Hitler and the Nazi’s, … the minorities are being set up for sacrifice. But unlike the preachers, moralists, new agers, truthers, and conspiracy theorists, (these are all manifestations of the elitist luciferian agenda), who represent 2 sides of the same coin to cause reaction and retaliation … unlike these, we must not react to this blatant hypocrisy and manipulation. Learn to recognize the absolute lies built upon lies, and simply, watch, … wait, … and observe. Do not retaliate in any way. Do not resist. Do not judge anything to be good or bad.
They’re looking for the resisters to rise to the surface of this illusory plane.
Then like sitting ducks in a barrel … Bang!"