Quote from a Friend: “None of you came to do something in this new energy, except for one thing: To exist on this planet in the love of God and steer yourself to the place where you can shine the most light for others.”
We as humans have allowed our faith in certain religions to be used as a tool against us by falling prey to our own emotions, prejudices and ego driven perceptions. Research ALL for yourself and do not allow your faith to be used against you as a form of control to fight against another human being. This is the ultimate deception, one that will be our demise if we continue down this path.
The Religious Electrical Ark/Arc of the Covenant.
Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD.
The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An angel of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of darkness.
Every religious system emerged from the concept of light and dark. This exhibits the duality nature of the luciferian egregore thought form. This is the origin of the hypnotic control of humanity, via religion and intellectualism. We can now observe the mind of diablo – the diabolical one. We may recognize we’ve been in agreement with diablo, the group ruler of the luciferian illuminati agenda. If we can face it and press on, we can give up the struggle, disconnect emotionally and simply emerge from the prison of deceit. We can share our understanding with someone else, who will tell someone else, …and the cycle of deception will end.
The Monster Called Religion
First, we’ll discuss the monster in the world named religion. Religion, wielding the twin weapons of guilt and fear, was the first strategy employed to manipulate the world. Did you ever wonder where religion came from? I don’t mean, why do people turn to religion and worship gods? Sure, when things get tough, people feel a need to call on something to save them from their predicament. But where did the very concept and this need for religion originate? Why was there a predicament in the first place? Once this problem was introduced into the scheme of things, why was there a response from the people that they needed to be saved? And of course, once the population responded to the problem, who came up with the notion of worshipping a god?
In Psalm 14:1 we are told that “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”
Now if this is the word of god, and for that matter, if god were really a wise and great creator, I might be a tad shaken by these words. What follows may appear foolish, but to the open minded, it may be a breath of fresh air. You see, this bible quote was written by the luciferian mind, the corrupt entity that rules the planet. There is no god, there is only the luciferian mind of corruption that conjures up the 3D reality we are experiencing. In fact, the bible and every religious book written is inspired by the corrupt entity that governs the illuminati agenda. When I say every religious book, that includes every science text, every new age bestseller, every book on esoteric magic, every astrological/numerological notion … everything!
We will consider the question – Where did religion come from? I’m talking all religion, including atheism. Yes, even atheists are religious zealots. Even though I state there is no god I am not an atheist in as much as I do recognize infinite awareness and wisdom do exist. This awareness and wisdom is NOT SPIRIT, neither does it have any connection to learned knowledge. The worship of a creator, a supreme being who cares if I’m good or bad, and I better obey … I don’t buy it!
Everything that everyone does is the result of his or her particular religion. It doesn’t matter the lifestyle we choose to lead, we are all duped into being religious dogs for the luciferian mindset, constructed to imprison humanity’s awareness. We all have been thrust into this religious system called the 3 dimensional reality – and we exist in a hypnotic stupor, bewildered by it all. However, we don’t need to exist this way. Quite simply, we don’t need to buy it anymore. The whole 3D experience is symbolized in the short little word - BUY.
BUY – is an accurate reference to the former World Trade Centre. These 2 towers symbolize Boaz and Jachin or Gachin, the two pillars flanking the entrance to the old Hebrew Temple. B for Boaz. J/G or Y for Jachin/Gachin, as there is no jay or jee or gutteral guh sound in Hebrew. These two pillars together enunciate as BY or BuY. This was the World Trade Centre: the mighty symbol of commercialism in the world. The system of BuYing.
This video discusses various synchromystical connections and interpretations of the third eye and also talks more about life from the grand perspective...
Two voice samples were used. One from 'David Wilcock's 2012 Enigma', and another from an unknown documentary on Egyptology...
Firstly, religion had to be established. Religion is based on the concept that the priests know something of the unknown. In other words, they claim to have the wisdom or all seeing ability to understand the hidden things of the universe. The All Seeing Eye of Horus of ancient Egypt, the All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry, the Holy See of Catholicism, the great I Am – Eye Am of Judaism (and every spin-off organization) are all based on trickery found within the structure of a light beam.
Did you ever wonder why there’s an all seeing eye on the back of the freemason-designed US dollar bill? Or why is the pope (pope – papa – pop-eye – poppy) referred to as the holy see? Or why does religion embrace such symbols as the cross, the swastika, the six pointed star, etc. which are symbols of the all seeing eye?
Religion, including atheism and new age thought, is rooted in luciferianism – the hidden mystery mind. Pretending to know something doesn’t make one wise. The occult organizations know that all they’re doing is manipulating light energy. It’s not a big secret. However, if the gimmick is dressed in religious and scientific garb, people will believe the ark/arc of the covenant is really the presence of god in a box. It is a matter to cause electricity to arc and ultimately, electrocute whoever touches the box. This describes the Ark of the Covenant Chest of Hebrew folklore.
Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT / THOTH
At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described on this site are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds, fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are.
The Same Fucking Story
This same story, the FATHER GOD having sex with an EARTHLY WOMAN, (immaculately, of course), is repeated over and over throughout history. The Mary and Jesus story was about 1 out of 50 Christ saviour myths, (and probably many more of lesser fame) all of whom were born on December 25th.
This is all based on corruption. This isn’t sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. However, all knowledge is corrupting and hinders our awareness, if we let it. We then become saturated in the knowledge of this dark hexagon pupil of deceit with the ultimate HEX of the hypnotic thought process placed upon the people of the world.
Consider the chart below and the origin of the All Seeing Eye. Keeping in mind, that the word ALL = OWL, and is the inspiration for the OWL symbolism, and the WISE OLD OWL adage, used in society.
Even the religion known as atheism boasts the atom symbol, which is the All Seeing Eye, as their logo. In the TRANCE STATE of this 3 dimensional plane, the deeper one is indoctrinated in the belief that SCIENCE actually has some validity, or reality, the greater is the disconnection from WISDOM and the original state of being. Atheists will argue vehemently that science (which is seance), proves there is no god, which of course there isn’t. However, they will continue to trust in the knowledge offered up through scientific research which is based on the foundation of the ELECTRON, PROTON and NEUTRON, which is the TRINITY of the GODHEAD.
Here’s how it works.
The name lucifer, … means light bringer, or light bearer. The name lucifer is derived from the Latin words … lucem ferre. Lucem means light, and ferre means bringer, or bearer. Lucem ferre is lucifer. Genesis – chapter one of the Old Testament, fills in, without any doubt, who the light bringer is, and who, or what … Lucifer is.
Genesis 1:1 & 3 states…’In the beginning god … created the heaven and the earth … god said … let there be light; and there was light.
We’ve only read up to verse 3, and already, a hypnotic trance has been established. Very few will question that there even is a god, so anything that’s written after these words, is like shooting ducks in a barrel. Interestingly, this same concept of the light bringer, the day star, or the bright and morning star, has been applied to Jesus as well. In the New Testament in Revelation 22:16 … ” we read where Jesus said of himself … ‘I Jesus… I am… the bright and morning star’.
Here we see that god is lucifer, the light bringer. However, god is not just one supreme being, but a group entity, an egregore group thought form, … agreeing together … to appear as god. They’ve created the world systems of duality based on right and wrong, … good and bad. They play the role of a good god and a bad devil. This luciferian mindset shows itself in history, as the mythical gods of old, each with a particular characteristic. These gods, when taken together, form the egregore group of thinking entities.
Death is an illusion!
A manipulation of light through thought. Manipulating humanity with this illusion instills fear and desperation
Fear is the foundational characteristic that allows hypnotic, subliminal, thought, light patterns to be focused … and injected into, … and forced to pass through, our crystal brain. Our human 3 dimensional brain has the same physical characteristics as that of a solid crystal … or prism, except in liquid form. There’s nothing godly, loving, or sweet about this group entity or it’s method of manipulation. For thousands of years, the use of fear and desperation has resulted in murders, wars, bloodletting, and endless disease. Children have been tortured, women have been raped, and men have marched blindly off the end of the plank into the ocean of hypocrisy and death. This has all been courtesy of the god of the Bible, the god of love, the god of the old and new testaments, the god of the koran, the god of Buddha, the god of every religion and intellectual system known to man. This is the god of light, the luciferian light bringer.
Genesis 1 continues to say that, ‘God saw the light, that it was good’. … But good for who? Obviously, good for those who were using it to control humanity through the manipulation of light. Yet again, we have another subliminal. God doesn’t say that anything is bad, … it’s just implied, …suggested … implanted … if light is good, … then something must be bad.
Words that relate to the REP-tilian part of the brain tend to have an RE as part of their construction. RE shows up throughout the English language frequently. Either as RE or ER. This suggests observance of the sun god. The RE or ER sound and symbols keep REPEATING, because REPITITION is a major hypnotic tool. Hence the name REPTILIAN.
REP = REP – REAP – RAPE to be RAVISHED by endless attack
TILIAN = NAIL-IT in reverse = ANNIHILATE or DESTROY – Nailed To A Cross
RE-ptilian – RE-bellion – RE-ject – RE-act – RE-plicating – RE-sist – RE-venge – RE-taliate – RE-petition. In other words, these sounds and symbols are designed to manipulate us to REspond, thereby establishing an emotional connection with the 3 dimensional illusion. This is not a coincidence. The reptilian THOUGHT PROCESS has constructed incantations and symbols into the very fabric of our language through the invention of a NUMBING, NUMBER System. Keep in mind, that this SYSTEM is a CYST-em – a malignant cancerous growth.
Another subliminal hidden in our language is the word LOVE. We talk about LOVE but you really can’t nail it down, just what this word really means. Here goes…
LOVE = LOVe with a long O vowel sound as in LOAVE
BRED = BA-RE or WAter-Death Sacrifice sound from Egyptian mythology – RED = BLOOD
The word RED means Water Death.
EYE ALL = AISLE = as in getting MARRIED, we WALK down the AISLE. An extremely trance inducing ritual.
Marry is Mare, the Sea, and marriage is to succumb to the seduction of the SEA/SEE.
LOVE is the worship of ALLAH, or the ALL SEEING EYE. This worship relates to SEX, to DEATH, to REGENERATION, and is used to manipulate our reality. As always, this is not right or wrong, or sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. But it is deception, meant to forfeit our power into the control of the luciferian mindset.
Michael Jackson used to wear one glove on one hand. The subliminal attached to this is:
GLOVE = Y-LOVE (substituting G for Y) = EYE LOVE = EYE EVOL = EVOL EYE = EVIL EYE
(This is not to say that Michael Jackson was aware in the slightest, of the subliminal attached to this act of wearing ONE GLOVE).
LOVE is only a hypnotic incantation word, that when repeated enough times, the victim falls into a completely vulnerable state. All we’re saying when we keep telling someone that “we love them”, from a romantic perspective, simply means, “I want to have sex with you”. From a security perspective it simply means, “please take care of me and I’ll let you have sex with me”, or “I’ll do something beneficial for you in return”. Sex is not always intercourse either. Sex is in the mind, and involves interaction of energy, which is thought. That’s all fine and dandy, but let’s be aware of what’s going on. There’s no such thing as love, the kind of caring and compassion we somehow dream it to be.
The ultimate expression of being is WISDOM through AWARENESS! Awareness of what this 3 dimensional realm really is. Awareness, that it is completely correct to be totally cynical , (without any emotional involvement), that any good or bad is present within this 3D illusion. This whole 3D thing is a fabrication and a lie and a mere dream state. It simply does not exist! Because of its non-existence, placing value, or lending credence to an illusion by declaring strong sentiments of love within this illusion is simply manipulation of reality by the THOUGHT PROCESS.
On this site, its been demonstrated over and again, how the concept of god is the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who act as the devil and as the god. They create this duality on purpose. Through shape and sound association, the word love simply means sex, or anything to do with physical gratification in any of its forms. Something to now consider, is how the phrase, god is love, is really saying that the luciferian group of thinking entities, (who is the hypnotic creator of all things), is love.
Stay tuned for the next post on the floowing topic.
How To Break Out Of The Trance And Stop The Coming Cataclysm!
..... There is Nothing To Do .... No Thinking .... No Prayers ..... Just Watch, Wait, Don't React! .....
"Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name, body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as well be." - Bryan Kemila, IlluminatiMatrix
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
"You would see a cage if it was built around your head. But can you see the cage built inside your mind?
When the sacred geometry of the luciferian mindset was introduced into this 3 dimensioanl egregore thought form, a total disregard for the natural luciferian state of creation was purposely devised. This included taking natural pi and the endless decimal number of 3.141…(plus endless numbers) and rounded it down to a perfect pi – or 3. The same with the Golden Ration, or Golden Mean and the natural phi of 1.681…(plus endless numbers) and rounded it down to 1.6 or perfect phi. This all coincides with the 360 degree or 360 day year of the zodiac circle which was rounded down from a 365 1/4 day (plus a minute or two) year. This allowed for sacred geometry, mathematics, algebra, chemistry, astrology, numerology, music and an endless vast array of seductions to be devised which would flood the world. You cannot create a solid formula, calculation or equation unless you round the numbers down. How can you take real pi – 3.141…with endless numbers, and multiply it by anything, and come to any conclusion. You can’t! You have to manipulate, or force the calculation, to get a result. This forcing, led to the creation of the number systems which drive the world and seduce us into the hypnotic state we’re in. REAL PI – 3.141… or natural pi became PERFECT PI – 3. The Golden Ratio or NATURAL PHI became PERFECT PHI or 1.6. With this manipulation and creation of a number system, TIME and SPACE appear to exist.
When the sacred geometry of the luciferian mindset was introduced into this 3 dimensioanl egregore thought form, a total disregard for the natural luciferian state of creation was purposely devised. This included taking natural pi and the endless decimal number of 3.141…(plus endless numbers) and rounded it down to a perfect pi – or 3. The same with the Golden Ration, or Golden Mean and the natural phi of 1.681…(plus endless numbers) and rounded it down to 1.6 or perfect phi. This all coincides with the 360 degree or 360 day year of the zodiac circle which was rounded down from a 365 1/4 day (plus a minute or two) year. This allowed for sacred geometry, mathematics, algebra, chemistry, astrology, numerology, music and an endless vast array of seductions to be devised which would flood the world. You cannot create a solid formula, calculation or equation unless you round the numbers down. How can you take real pi – 3.141…with endless numbers, and multiply it by anything, and come to any conclusion. You can’t! You have to manipulate, or force the calculation, to get a result. This forcing, led to the creation of the number systems which drive the world and seduce us into the hypnotic state we’re in. REAL PI – 3.141… or natural pi became PERFECT PI – 3. The Golden Ratio or NATURAL PHI became PERFECT PHI or 1.6. With this manipulation and creation of a number system, TIME and SPACE appear to exist.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Knowing Nothing, Projections of the Shadow Self, and Psychic Vampirism.
"There is something formless yet complete
That existed before heaven and earth.
How still! How empty!
Dependent on nothing, unchanging,
All pervading, unfailing.
One may think of it as the mother of all things under heaven.
I do not know it's name,
But I call it "Meaning."
If I had to give it a name, I should call it "The Great"
Because the eye gazes but can catch no glimpse of it,
It is called elusive.
Because the ear listens but cannot hear it,
It is called rarefied.
Because the hand feels for it but cannot find it,
It is called the infinitesimal...
These are called the shapeless shapes,
Forms without form,
Vague semblences.
Go towards them, and you can see no front;
Go after them, and you see no rear."
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