******** The DarkStar ********
..... There is Nothing To Do .... No Thinking .... No Prayers ..... Just Watch, Wait, Don't React! .....
"Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name, body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as well be." - Bryan Kemila, IlluminatiMatrix
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Sunday, October 30, 2016
The Gunfighter
To get to know other humans is to really getting to know who "you" are in this human avatar shell. For me, one of my passions\hobbies in this reality are moves. Yes old DarkStar likes movies, lots of movies. Here is and interesting one I recently found. See what meaning you get from it or is it just entertainment? To me ti's all things! :)
Comment from a Brother.
Hello deepian and fellow readers. The following is a well written commment form brother deepian. We share the same first name...Ian. Rather than putting this in comments, I decided to make a post to answer the questions. Regardless of how or what is said or thought of me...I'm am "teacher". Now for the teachings!
Comments from the post on JediTheOne: http://jeditheone.blogspot.ca/2014/01/love-and-peace-to-one.html Begin quotes:
"deepian said... These four commitments ring true to me - a worthy objective. And what you say about the practical aspects of adopting such commitments also rings true from my own experience. I have been working on changing my programming for some 30 years or so now, and in recent years I have made this my top priority in life. From my experiences, it is a seemingly never-ending process, with continual ups and downs along the way, and - as you suggest - it is very important not to be too hard on yourself. Nobody on this planet is perfect, and we should not expect to become so ourselves. As per number 4, simply do your best, and whenever you slip up, just accept that and move on with the process. For me the important thing is to see overall progress - and for me that has been very definite. When you go, over time, from being depressive and utterly lacking in self-confidence to being innately happy and self-respecting, then you know you are making real spiritual progress. It takes a lot of persistence to break the programming of early childhood, but it can definitely be done, and it is a very rewarding pastime indeed. Thank you DS for spreading your light."
"DarkStar888 said... Hello Ian, Thank you Brother for your visit and the fine words you have shared here for thought and consideration for the readers. It's from your personal experience which makes it so valuable. You haven't know me long. You have not yet seen the/my full expressions of what and who we are. I commend you on your inner strength in searching for a better way. As you get more involved in reading many of the post here and at The Darkstar, you will begin to understand things even deeper than you can imagine. I know that my discoveries TOTALLY CHANGED everything for me in such a profound way, it's hard to describe in a few words or even paragraphs. When I make comments, at times, they can seem to be head-strong or even forceful. But the intent is expose the truth, as hard as it may be to accept. I know... I struggled with it for years. All I ask is to consider what is said and be cynical...question EVERYTHING! I will never be hurt or offended with comments from anyone who visits. Know that my wording (based on research for many years) has changed. Since thought and words, communications, symbols, numbers, pictures, etc all carry subliminal messages, I no longer use them. I'll give you an example. In your comment you said "Thank you DS for spreading your light." You should know this to understand the writting, but I don't spread light.... "The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer” simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which is designed to separate Illusion from Truth. This separation cannot possibly succeed as pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as you the reader progresses through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth. Note, we are light energy. Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD. The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An angel of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of darkness. (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common)."
I will never use the terms, in Light, Enlightenment, Soul, Spirit, etc. We have no SOUL or Spirit. And our light being 3D bodies are holograms of light to keep us from seeing the truth. For we are WISDOM, we are ONE and come from NO-WHERE & NO-THING! This fake 3D universe is created by THOTH or Thought to keep us in hypnosis with a veil to deceive us from seeing who we really are...already Perfect Beings. Please ask me anything, and you will get the best response I can give to help understand our experiences. Peace my brother, Ian" "deepian said... Ian, thanks for your feedback, and for explaining a bit of your philosophy. However, some aspects of it do not resonate with me. I use the word "light" in its subtle sense (as seen by the third eye, and as experienced when in trance) , not its physical sense (as seen by the physical eyes). By "light" I really mean spiritual strength - the innate strength of divine being, which is connected with virtue. This meaning of light goes back into the mists of time and the origins of language. My experiences also indicate that love is the primary quality of divinity. There is a powerful innate virtue and strength that comes with that love. But wisdom is not very relevant at all, only having a place in the worlds of illusion that we create. Granted, the divine being has the innate wisdom that produces intuition - a divine understanding of everything and nothing, of baance and virtue. I am not saying that I have nothing to learn from you, but it has to accord with my direct experience, or else I will reject it, as I currently reject your claims re light, souls, etc. Experience is the best teacher. Our differences may well be only in semantics - the meanings of English words have been badly debased over the centuries, and we can either reject these words (as you are doing) or redefine and reuse them (as I do). There are no absolute meanings for words - the best we can do is to be consistent. To truly communicate we have to use telepathy. But even if our understandings are in fact opposed, then that still fits into my understanding that each of us creates our own cosmos of experience, and that accordingly, what is accurate and valid in my experience may be completely invalid and wrong in your experience, without denying the validity of our respective experiences. So, from my perspective, there is no need for us to reach full agreement. We can accept our differences and remain open to learning from each other, and interested in each others perspectives." end quotes.
The next passages are not meant to inflame or debate or for agreement. It to help explain who we truly are. Through language, symbols and numbers... is how were are controlled through subliminal messaging. It is these very tools that manipulate us and we don't even KNOW IT! Open the MIND and STOP THINKING. Above, in the comments, there is talk of light, lucifer, spirt, soul, so I won't repeat this but I will going into more detail. It's time to reflect on this topic. Sharing the Following quotes from the IlluminatiMatrix.
Begin Quotes: "The following is a list of Old Testament types of sacrifice which need to be fulfilled in New Testament times. Notice this is subliminal suggestion and wordplay meant to hypnotize.
Leviticus 27:28,29 – “…no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he hath, both of man and beast … shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto the Lord. (It will be shown who the lord really is on this site). v.29 – None devoted … shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death.” It is clear the lord of the old testament demands both man and beast dedicated unto him to be surely put to death. Today this is done systematically through such strategies as war, crime, the medical drug system, chemtrails, scientific advancements and so on.
In other words, human sacrifice is fulfilled literally through the mind numbing doctrine of religion and academia. It is well hidden, but nonetheless it is human sacrifice. We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT. Consider this. Those exposing the luciferian illuminati agenda are christians, jews, other religious zealots, ex-CIA sex slaves, New Age spiritists, scientists and the like. I have yet to read information from any source that points directly at the real culprit in all this … the luciferian mindset. They don’t point the finger because they don’t recognize the direct involvement of these THINKING ENTITIES in manipulating the whole 3D agenda experience. If this were to be recognized and research was done into the dark mysteries of Babylon, the realization would soon point to themselves and their misled belief systems. However, I don’t exclude myself, or anyone for that matter, from being used by the luciferian mindset in perpetuating the 3D illusory trance state. Every 3 dimensional form is meant to support and extend the lunatic notion that the 3D experience has some basis in reality. We are all enemies of REALITY, and because we go looking for the enemy in everything else other than ourselves, we will never find, (on an individual basis), or conquer the real adversary that disconnects each one of our illusory 3D forms from reality.
In Psalm 14:1 we are told that “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Now if this is the word of god, and for that matter, if god were really a wise and great creator, I might be a tad shaken by these words. What follows may appear foolish, but to the open minded, it may be a breath of fresh air. You see, this bible quote was written by the luciferian mind, the corrupt entity that rules the planet. There is no god, there is only the luciferian mind of corruption that conjures up the 3D reality we are experiencing. In fact, the bible and every religious book written is inspired by the corrupt entity that governs the illuminati agenda. When I say every religious book, that includes every science text, every new age bestseller, every book on esoteric magic, every astrological/numerological notion … everything!
We will consider the question – Where did religion come from? I’m talking all religion, including atheism. Yes, even atheists are religious zealots. Even though I state there is no god I am not an atheist in as much as I do recognize infinite awareness and wisdom do exist. This awareness and wisdom is NOT SPIRIT, neither does it have any connection to learned knowledge. The worship of a creator, a supreme being who cares if I’m good or bad, and I better obey … I don’t buy it! Everything that everyone does is the result of his or her particular religion. It doesn’t matter the lifestyle we choose to lead, we are all duped into being religious dogs for the luciferian mindset, constructed to imprison humanity’s awareness. We all have been thrust into this religious system called the 3 dimensional reality – and we exist in a hypnotic stupor, bewildered by it all. However, we don’t need to exist this way. Quite simply, we don’t need to buy it anymore.
The whole 3D experience is symbolized in the short little word - BUY. BUY – is an accurate reference to the former World Trade Centre. These 2 towers symbolize Boaz and Jachin or Gachin, the two pillars flanking the entrance to the old Hebrew Temple. B for Boaz. J/G or Y for Jachin/Gachin, as there is no jay or jee or gutteral guh sound in Hebrew. These two pillars together enunciate as BY or BuY. This was the World Trade Centre: the mighty symbol of commercialism in the world. The system of BuYing. BUYING = B u Y EYE = BIG EYE = the ALL SEEING EYE Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS. every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light. Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we believe are real.
The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are luciferian, satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm.
So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”? Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what to do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or space. Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future.
The moment decides what needs to be done. In the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is always now. The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian illuminati agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL. Even the religion known as atheism boasts the atom symbol, which is the All Seeing Eye, as their logo. In the TRANCE STATE of this 3 dimensional plane, the deeper one is indoctrinated in the belief that SCIENCE actually has some validity, or reality, the greater is the disconnection from WISDOM and the original state of being. Atheists will argue vehemently that science (which is seance), proves there is no god, which of course there isn’t. However, they will continue to trust in the knowledge offered up through scientific research which is based on the foundation of the ELECTRON, PROTON and NEUTRON, which is the TRINITY of the GODHEAD.
My points are not to pick on you, only to show you other information to think about. I need to use some of your references to explain...words such as "light", "meditation", etc. you said "Know with the depths of your true self that this light, that you now hold in your hands is world peace" Let's begin if you don't mind. The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer” simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which is designed to separate Illusion from Truth.
This separation cannot possibly succeed as pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as you the reader progresses through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth. Note, we are light energy. Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over.
The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD. I will never use the terms, in Light, Enlightenment, Soul, Spirit, etc. We have no SOUL or Spirit (these are all religion based lies). And our light being 3D bodies are holograms of light to keep us from seeing the truth. For we are WISDOM, we are ONE and come from NO-WHERE & NO-THING! This fake 3D universe is created by THOTH or Thought to keep us in hypnosis with a veil to deceive us from seeing who we really are...already Perfect Beings. The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.
Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. I'll repeat many times on my blog, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE. Be well. Live in Peace.
There IS NO GOD, It's all/only us as one with Wisdom & Perfection!
Comments from the post on JediTheOne: http://jeditheone.blogspot.ca/2014/01/love-and-peace-to-one.html Begin quotes:
"deepian said... These four commitments ring true to me - a worthy objective. And what you say about the practical aspects of adopting such commitments also rings true from my own experience. I have been working on changing my programming for some 30 years or so now, and in recent years I have made this my top priority in life. From my experiences, it is a seemingly never-ending process, with continual ups and downs along the way, and - as you suggest - it is very important not to be too hard on yourself. Nobody on this planet is perfect, and we should not expect to become so ourselves. As per number 4, simply do your best, and whenever you slip up, just accept that and move on with the process. For me the important thing is to see overall progress - and for me that has been very definite. When you go, over time, from being depressive and utterly lacking in self-confidence to being innately happy and self-respecting, then you know you are making real spiritual progress. It takes a lot of persistence to break the programming of early childhood, but it can definitely be done, and it is a very rewarding pastime indeed. Thank you DS for spreading your light."
"DarkStar888 said... Hello Ian, Thank you Brother for your visit and the fine words you have shared here for thought and consideration for the readers. It's from your personal experience which makes it so valuable. You haven't know me long. You have not yet seen the/my full expressions of what and who we are. I commend you on your inner strength in searching for a better way. As you get more involved in reading many of the post here and at The Darkstar, you will begin to understand things even deeper than you can imagine. I know that my discoveries TOTALLY CHANGED everything for me in such a profound way, it's hard to describe in a few words or even paragraphs. When I make comments, at times, they can seem to be head-strong or even forceful. But the intent is expose the truth, as hard as it may be to accept. I know... I struggled with it for years. All I ask is to consider what is said and be cynical...question EVERYTHING! I will never be hurt or offended with comments from anyone who visits. Know that my wording (based on research for many years) has changed. Since thought and words, communications, symbols, numbers, pictures, etc all carry subliminal messages, I no longer use them. I'll give you an example. In your comment you said "Thank you DS for spreading your light." You should know this to understand the writting, but I don't spread light.... "The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer” simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which is designed to separate Illusion from Truth. This separation cannot possibly succeed as pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as you the reader progresses through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth. Note, we are light energy. Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD. The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An angel of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of darkness. (Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom, however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common)."
I will never use the terms, in Light, Enlightenment, Soul, Spirit, etc. We have no SOUL or Spirit. And our light being 3D bodies are holograms of light to keep us from seeing the truth. For we are WISDOM, we are ONE and come from NO-WHERE & NO-THING! This fake 3D universe is created by THOTH or Thought to keep us in hypnosis with a veil to deceive us from seeing who we really are...already Perfect Beings. Please ask me anything, and you will get the best response I can give to help understand our experiences. Peace my brother, Ian" "deepian said... Ian, thanks for your feedback, and for explaining a bit of your philosophy. However, some aspects of it do not resonate with me. I use the word "light" in its subtle sense (as seen by the third eye, and as experienced when in trance) , not its physical sense (as seen by the physical eyes). By "light" I really mean spiritual strength - the innate strength of divine being, which is connected with virtue. This meaning of light goes back into the mists of time and the origins of language. My experiences also indicate that love is the primary quality of divinity. There is a powerful innate virtue and strength that comes with that love. But wisdom is not very relevant at all, only having a place in the worlds of illusion that we create. Granted, the divine being has the innate wisdom that produces intuition - a divine understanding of everything and nothing, of baance and virtue. I am not saying that I have nothing to learn from you, but it has to accord with my direct experience, or else I will reject it, as I currently reject your claims re light, souls, etc. Experience is the best teacher. Our differences may well be only in semantics - the meanings of English words have been badly debased over the centuries, and we can either reject these words (as you are doing) or redefine and reuse them (as I do). There are no absolute meanings for words - the best we can do is to be consistent. To truly communicate we have to use telepathy. But even if our understandings are in fact opposed, then that still fits into my understanding that each of us creates our own cosmos of experience, and that accordingly, what is accurate and valid in my experience may be completely invalid and wrong in your experience, without denying the validity of our respective experiences. So, from my perspective, there is no need for us to reach full agreement. We can accept our differences and remain open to learning from each other, and interested in each others perspectives." end quotes.
The next passages are not meant to inflame or debate or for agreement. It to help explain who we truly are. Through language, symbols and numbers... is how were are controlled through subliminal messaging. It is these very tools that manipulate us and we don't even KNOW IT! Open the MIND and STOP THINKING. Above, in the comments, there is talk of light, lucifer, spirt, soul, so I won't repeat this but I will going into more detail. It's time to reflect on this topic. Sharing the Following quotes from the IlluminatiMatrix.
Begin Quotes: "The following is a list of Old Testament types of sacrifice which need to be fulfilled in New Testament times. Notice this is subliminal suggestion and wordplay meant to hypnotize.
Leviticus 27:28,29 – “…no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he hath, both of man and beast … shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto the Lord. (It will be shown who the lord really is on this site). v.29 – None devoted … shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death.” It is clear the lord of the old testament demands both man and beast dedicated unto him to be surely put to death. Today this is done systematically through such strategies as war, crime, the medical drug system, chemtrails, scientific advancements and so on.
In other words, human sacrifice is fulfilled literally through the mind numbing doctrine of religion and academia. It is well hidden, but nonetheless it is human sacrifice. We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT. Consider this. Those exposing the luciferian illuminati agenda are christians, jews, other religious zealots, ex-CIA sex slaves, New Age spiritists, scientists and the like. I have yet to read information from any source that points directly at the real culprit in all this … the luciferian mindset. They don’t point the finger because they don’t recognize the direct involvement of these THINKING ENTITIES in manipulating the whole 3D agenda experience. If this were to be recognized and research was done into the dark mysteries of Babylon, the realization would soon point to themselves and their misled belief systems. However, I don’t exclude myself, or anyone for that matter, from being used by the luciferian mindset in perpetuating the 3D illusory trance state. Every 3 dimensional form is meant to support and extend the lunatic notion that the 3D experience has some basis in reality. We are all enemies of REALITY, and because we go looking for the enemy in everything else other than ourselves, we will never find, (on an individual basis), or conquer the real adversary that disconnects each one of our illusory 3D forms from reality.
In Psalm 14:1 we are told that “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Now if this is the word of god, and for that matter, if god were really a wise and great creator, I might be a tad shaken by these words. What follows may appear foolish, but to the open minded, it may be a breath of fresh air. You see, this bible quote was written by the luciferian mind, the corrupt entity that rules the planet. There is no god, there is only the luciferian mind of corruption that conjures up the 3D reality we are experiencing. In fact, the bible and every religious book written is inspired by the corrupt entity that governs the illuminati agenda. When I say every religious book, that includes every science text, every new age bestseller, every book on esoteric magic, every astrological/numerological notion … everything!
We will consider the question – Where did religion come from? I’m talking all religion, including atheism. Yes, even atheists are religious zealots. Even though I state there is no god I am not an atheist in as much as I do recognize infinite awareness and wisdom do exist. This awareness and wisdom is NOT SPIRIT, neither does it have any connection to learned knowledge. The worship of a creator, a supreme being who cares if I’m good or bad, and I better obey … I don’t buy it! Everything that everyone does is the result of his or her particular religion. It doesn’t matter the lifestyle we choose to lead, we are all duped into being religious dogs for the luciferian mindset, constructed to imprison humanity’s awareness. We all have been thrust into this religious system called the 3 dimensional reality – and we exist in a hypnotic stupor, bewildered by it all. However, we don’t need to exist this way. Quite simply, we don’t need to buy it anymore.
The whole 3D experience is symbolized in the short little word - BUY. BUY – is an accurate reference to the former World Trade Centre. These 2 towers symbolize Boaz and Jachin or Gachin, the two pillars flanking the entrance to the old Hebrew Temple. B for Boaz. J/G or Y for Jachin/Gachin, as there is no jay or jee or gutteral guh sound in Hebrew. These two pillars together enunciate as BY or BuY. This was the World Trade Centre: the mighty symbol of commercialism in the world. The system of BuYing. BUYING = B u Y EYE = BIG EYE = the ALL SEEING EYE Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates. Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore, LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new implanted THOUGHT FORMS. every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light. Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we believe are real.
The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world are luciferian, satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from REALITY. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no truth in this 3 dimensional realm.
So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”? Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what to do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or space. Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original awareness state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future.
The moment decides what needs to be done. In the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is always now. The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian illuminati agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and predetermine that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL. Even the religion known as atheism boasts the atom symbol, which is the All Seeing Eye, as their logo. In the TRANCE STATE of this 3 dimensional plane, the deeper one is indoctrinated in the belief that SCIENCE actually has some validity, or reality, the greater is the disconnection from WISDOM and the original state of being. Atheists will argue vehemently that science (which is seance), proves there is no god, which of course there isn’t. However, they will continue to trust in the knowledge offered up through scientific research which is based on the foundation of the ELECTRON, PROTON and NEUTRON, which is the TRINITY of the GODHEAD.
My points are not to pick on you, only to show you other information to think about. I need to use some of your references to explain...words such as "light", "meditation", etc. you said "Know with the depths of your true self that this light, that you now hold in your hands is world peace" Let's begin if you don't mind. The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer” simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which is designed to separate Illusion from Truth.
This separation cannot possibly succeed as pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as you the reader progresses through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth. Note, we are light energy. Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over.
The powerful elite of the world act upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with the LIGHT BRINGING GOD. I will never use the terms, in Light, Enlightenment, Soul, Spirit, etc. We have no SOUL or Spirit (these are all religion based lies). And our light being 3D bodies are holograms of light to keep us from seeing the truth. For we are WISDOM, we are ONE and come from NO-WHERE & NO-THING! This fake 3D universe is created by THOTH or Thought to keep us in hypnosis with a veil to deceive us from seeing who we really are...already Perfect Beings. The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude of this world and ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE ETERNAL PARADISE STATE. Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of peace.
Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. I'll repeat many times on my blog, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality. There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE. Be well. Live in Peace.
There IS NO GOD, It's all/only us as one with Wisdom & Perfection!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Readers have posed these questions?
… the ancient Egyptians referred to the “creator god” as THOTH.
… THOTH is a subliminal hypnotic suggestion which we refer to as THOUGHT.
… THOUGHT is the group entity, called the THOUGHT PROCESS.
… THOTH is a subliminal hypnotic suggestion which we refer to as THOUGHT.
… THOUGHT is the group entity, called the THOUGHT PROCESS.
Where did the Egregore group of Thinking Entities come from?
… the EGO is the source of this group of Thinking Entities.
… the EGO is evidenced by the characteristic called PRIDE.
… PRIDE “thinks” it knows something.
… the EGO is evidenced by the characteristic called PRIDE.
… PRIDE “thinks” it knows something.
The EGO has conjured up this illusory 3D plane by implementing the THOUGHT PROCESS.
The EGO is an Eternal Concept.
The EGO has no beginning and no end.
Only the illusory 3D plane seems to have a beginning and an end.
This illusion is conjured up through the THINKING PROCESS, or THOUGHT PROCESS.
Thought is the evidence of an illusion, which is a lie, which is a distractive manipulation of Reality.
The EGO is an Eternal Concept.
The EGO has no beginning and no end.
Only the illusory 3D plane seems to have a beginning and an end.
This illusion is conjured up through the THINKING PROCESS, or THOUGHT PROCESS.
Thought is the evidence of an illusion, which is a lie, which is a distractive manipulation of Reality.
The EGO manifests as THOUGHT, and conjures up, or “creates”, a system we refer to as REALITY, but in fact, has nothing to do with REALITY or TRUTH.
Humanity is but an illusion and a product of “conjuring”.
Humanity is the enemy of TRUTH!
Humanity is but an illusion and a product of “conjuring”.
Humanity is the enemy of TRUTH!
WHO and WHAT we Really Are, … is WISDOM!
Wisdom has no beginning and no end.
Wisdom is an Eternal Concept in the same fashion that the EGO is an Eternal Concept.
Who and What We Really Are, … are the ONE, … the WISDOM of the Paradise State.
We have no need to follow any path to attain this State of Eternal Peace, for we are ALREADY THERE, … Who and What We Really Are, NEVER LEFT.
Wisdom has no beginning and no end.
Wisdom is an Eternal Concept in the same fashion that the EGO is an Eternal Concept.
Who and What We Really Are, … are the ONE, … the WISDOM of the Paradise State.
We have no need to follow any path to attain this State of Eternal Peace, for we are ALREADY THERE, … Who and What We Really Are, NEVER LEFT.
Only the illusion that we, as humanity, has been hoodwinked and highjacked from our Eternal Paradise State, manipulates us to believe that we are this mass of physical flesh within this 3D Plane. This has nothing to do with Who and What We
This is the LIE, the LIGHT, the ATOM/ADAM, and EVE, the Coming of the LIE-ght, … working it’s hypnotic HEX, … it’s manipulative LYING SPELL, upon the whole 3D plane.
It is the whole 3D plane that is the LIE, … this is the product of the Thought Process, the conjured up illusion of the creator god THOTH, … none of which has any bearing in REALITY and TRUTH.
This is the LIE, the LIGHT, the ATOM/ADAM, and EVE, the Coming of the LIE-ght, … working it’s hypnotic HEX, … it’s manipulative LYING SPELL, upon the whole 3D plane.
It is the whole 3D plane that is the LIE, … this is the product of the Thought Process, the conjured up illusion of the creator god THOTH, … none of which has any bearing in REALITY and TRUTH.
Know this, … and you will be FREE of the stupidity and ignorance of the process we call “thought”."
- by Bryan Kimila
- by Bryan Kimila
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Lies! Life! Love! One! Wisdom!
Yes my friends, I am writing again.
Now, does unconditionally love go a long way? But what is love? What is the truth? Yet there is NO TRUTH in this existence. We are an illusion, fake, code, matrix, or whatever you want to call it...the point is...this not us! Me, You, I! And as for love Ron, you will love this one" :)
Read with a quiet heart, open mind, block the little voice; trust your own basic knowing, not thinking, just knowing! Brothers, you seek peace you say, love, enlightenment, truth, etc! Well, here is your answer. I am learning too, still accepting, digesting this complex concept, yet it makes sense to what this wold is and who we really are and where we come from. I now realize (rea-lize, are-liez, are-z-lie) and ...yet the lies...is a truth!" - DS
What do we (I) (1) (one) do about these lies? What do we KNOW? The one we are, the none, no-ne, no me .... is true.
So … How Do We Know This?
"A long time occasional reader of this blog (from the IlluminatiMatrix) has asked the simple question as to the source of the information found within this blog.
My (Bryan Kemila) response is as follows: Everything is found within the atom symbol. All things in this illusory plane are linked together via “Thought”, … or suggestions. This “source” was discovered after being willing to accept whatever the Truth may be, and in whatever form it may take. Upon submitting to this concept that it was my 3D person that was the stumblingblock, it soon became evident that my humanity was also the barrier separating my ability to discover Truth. I was the problem and the interference that kept my 3D illusory being from comprehending, reconnecting and recognizing Truth. The Ego (Thought Process) that conjured up my illusory life experience is who and what we are in this 3D plane. We are the mouthpiece and the players, the puppets, that perpetuate the luciferian agenda. It’s this agenda that seeks to be “god”. When in Reality, there is no such thing as “god”, or the “devil”. Who and What we really are simply ignores the Ego (Thought Process) and continues on in Eternal Peace within the Paradise State, even as the Mindset of the Ego dances about, hoping to distract and manipulate the Truth. Which of course, can never be accomplished. However, the Ego doesn't know this, for the Ego has no Truth, no Awareness, … and only functions by exercising Thoughts. These thoughts are conjured up through religious and intellectual exercises. We are One Wisdom and We Know All Things, … and we have no need to think. We simply know. Therein lies Peace, Power, Purity, Perfection, and the Eternal Bliss of Paradise. All we have to do is reclaim, or refocus upon The Original State of Being which has the Power and Wisdom to direct our lunatic 3D mind to be silent and to take a back seat as we take pleasure and prosper within the illusion. Knowing full well that the illusion is just that, … an illusion. Not valid, … not real, … and is one massive lie." THIS IS NOT A THEORY! - by Bryan Kemila
DS says: My dear friends, brothers, sisters, family, all, as in all in one, we are ONE. I Love this Movie. Finally something to experience and is says it, have said for years. Please loved ones...manifest our freedom, peace, paradise, and return to whom we are, wisdom!
"The reader should keep in mind at this point, that these links posted above are only examples of how the masses are manipulated to “believe” that some information is based on “truth”, and some information is based on lies and disinformation. When in Reality, all 3D information is the product of “Thought”, and has no basis in “truth”. All information within this 3D plane, and ALL INTERNET SITES, “for or against” any perspective, are simply more examples of duality and deception. You will not find “Truth” on the internet. Not on this site, or on any site. You can only find “Truth” through Awareness of this concept, … that the Ego “thinks” it knows something. Reconnecting with this Reality and Truth is the only means of “escape” from the “3D prison of deceit” manifested through “thought”.
This “thinking” is the “Thought Process” which conjures up WORDS. WORDS manifest as SOUNDS. Very micro sounds, but still sounds. SOUNDS are produced by VIBRATION! VIBRATION is ENERGY! ENERGY GLOWS! And GLOWING is LIGHT!
Therefore, the Ego, and ALL THOUGHT is Light, … or more literally, everything we SEE is THOUGHT! And it’s ALL FAKE!
And simply because you read these words does no mean you have become Aware. It only means that you have read another example of the Ego and the probability that you’ve been manipulated again. If Awareness is “truly” captured, then Peace, Power, Perfection, Purity, Joy, Patience, Steadfastness and the like, become the “constant” within your 3D illusory life experience. This is not based on a belief in some “god”, or some “holy spirit”, which are the product of the “Thought Process”, … but are based on “Knowing”, not “Thinking”, that something is right or wrong. For there is no right or wrong, when everything in this 3D illusory plane is a lie.
The only “Truth” there is, and the only “Reality” there is, is that this is all FAKE and FRAUDULENT manipulation, … and is the manifestation and product of the Thought Process and the Ego. Resulting in the masses agreeing or disagreeing with different “information”, when in Reality, it’s simply MASS HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION to keep the “3D prison system” intact. And nothing more so, than those who base their own perspective on religious indoctrination, which includes deep intellectual studies. All of which results in geopolitical / religious confrontations which serve the “royal elite oligarchs” who “imprison” the masses through the use of the “Duality Weapon”, which is the manifestation of the Thought Process." by Bryan Kemila
Now, does unconditionally love go a long way? But what is love? What is the truth? Yet there is NO TRUTH in this existence. We are an illusion, fake, code, matrix, or whatever you want to call it...the point is...this not us! Me, You, I! And as for love Ron, you will love this one" :)
Read with a quiet heart, open mind, block the little voice; trust your own basic knowing, not thinking, just knowing! Brothers, you seek peace you say, love, enlightenment, truth, etc! Well, here is your answer. I am learning too, still accepting, digesting this complex concept, yet it makes sense to what this wold is and who we really are and where we come from. I now realize (rea-lize, are-liez, are-z-lie) and ...yet the lies...is a truth!" - DS
What do we (I) (1) (one) do about these lies? What do we KNOW? The one we are, the none, no-ne, no me .... is true.
So … How Do We Know This?
"A long time occasional reader of this blog (from the IlluminatiMatrix) has asked the simple question as to the source of the information found within this blog.
My (Bryan Kemila) response is as follows: Everything is found within the atom symbol. All things in this illusory plane are linked together via “Thought”, … or suggestions. This “source” was discovered after being willing to accept whatever the Truth may be, and in whatever form it may take. Upon submitting to this concept that it was my 3D person that was the stumblingblock, it soon became evident that my humanity was also the barrier separating my ability to discover Truth. I was the problem and the interference that kept my 3D illusory being from comprehending, reconnecting and recognizing Truth. The Ego (Thought Process) that conjured up my illusory life experience is who and what we are in this 3D plane. We are the mouthpiece and the players, the puppets, that perpetuate the luciferian agenda. It’s this agenda that seeks to be “god”. When in Reality, there is no such thing as “god”, or the “devil”. Who and What we really are simply ignores the Ego (Thought Process) and continues on in Eternal Peace within the Paradise State, even as the Mindset of the Ego dances about, hoping to distract and manipulate the Truth. Which of course, can never be accomplished. However, the Ego doesn't know this, for the Ego has no Truth, no Awareness, … and only functions by exercising Thoughts. These thoughts are conjured up through religious and intellectual exercises. We are One Wisdom and We Know All Things, … and we have no need to think. We simply know. Therein lies Peace, Power, Purity, Perfection, and the Eternal Bliss of Paradise. All we have to do is reclaim, or refocus upon The Original State of Being which has the Power and Wisdom to direct our lunatic 3D mind to be silent and to take a back seat as we take pleasure and prosper within the illusion. Knowing full well that the illusion is just that, … an illusion. Not valid, … not real, … and is one massive lie." THIS IS NOT A THEORY! - by Bryan Kemila
DS says: My dear friends, brothers, sisters, family, all, as in all in one, we are ONE. I Love this Movie. Finally something to experience and is says it, have said for years. Please loved ones...manifest our freedom, peace, paradise, and return to whom we are, wisdom!
"The reader should keep in mind at this point, that these links posted above are only examples of how the masses are manipulated to “believe” that some information is based on “truth”, and some information is based on lies and disinformation. When in Reality, all 3D information is the product of “Thought”, and has no basis in “truth”. All information within this 3D plane, and ALL INTERNET SITES, “for or against” any perspective, are simply more examples of duality and deception. You will not find “Truth” on the internet. Not on this site, or on any site. You can only find “Truth” through Awareness of this concept, … that the Ego “thinks” it knows something. Reconnecting with this Reality and Truth is the only means of “escape” from the “3D prison of deceit” manifested through “thought”.
This “thinking” is the “Thought Process” which conjures up WORDS. WORDS manifest as SOUNDS. Very micro sounds, but still sounds. SOUNDS are produced by VIBRATION! VIBRATION is ENERGY! ENERGY GLOWS! And GLOWING is LIGHT!
Therefore, the Ego, and ALL THOUGHT is Light, … or more literally, everything we SEE is THOUGHT! And it’s ALL FAKE!

And simply because you read these words does no mean you have become Aware. It only means that you have read another example of the Ego and the probability that you’ve been manipulated again. If Awareness is “truly” captured, then Peace, Power, Perfection, Purity, Joy, Patience, Steadfastness and the like, become the “constant” within your 3D illusory life experience. This is not based on a belief in some “god”, or some “holy spirit”, which are the product of the “Thought Process”, … but are based on “Knowing”, not “Thinking”, that something is right or wrong. For there is no right or wrong, when everything in this 3D illusory plane is a lie.
The only “Truth” there is, and the only “Reality” there is, is that this is all FAKE and FRAUDULENT manipulation, … and is the manifestation and product of the Thought Process and the Ego. Resulting in the masses agreeing or disagreeing with different “information”, when in Reality, it’s simply MASS HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION to keep the “3D prison system” intact. And nothing more so, than those who base their own perspective on religious indoctrination, which includes deep intellectual studies. All of which results in geopolitical / religious confrontations which serve the “royal elite oligarchs” who “imprison” the masses through the use of the “Duality Weapon”, which is the manifestation of the Thought Process." by Bryan Kemila
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