"Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name, body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as well be." - Bryan Kemila, IlluminatiMatrix


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Thursday, July 19, 2012


"DEEP HYPNOSIS" - Quote from IlluminatiMatrix Quote:

"Because we’re in a state of deep hypnosis, believing the 3D plane to be real, we are conditioned to view the birth of our children as wondrous miraculous events. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once we awake from the hypnotic trance and see the farce of the 3D illusion, events such as the birth experience are recognized for what they really are, that being, to perpetuate the illusion and veil of deceit. When we regain our awareness, we immediately return and reconnect to our original state. Not only will there be no more suffering, where the illusion of DEATH LOSES ITS STING, there will also be no more seduction through colour, shape and sound. This occurs, not just at the illusory moment of physical death, but RIGHT NOW, at the moment of EMOTIONAL DEATH and DISCONNECTION from BELIEVING that the 3 dimensional experience is real. There will only be awareness RIGHT NOW.

The whole illusion and hypnotic trance state of control takes place in the mind. To be emotionally disconnected from the world, doesn’t in anyway mean that you can’t do anything you choose to do in this 3 dimensional plane. JUST DON’T BELIEVE IT TO BE REAL. Not believing the lie, to have the ability to see through the TRANCE and the HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS, allows anyone to slip from this 3D death trap, back into REALITY and the eternal Paradise State. Its all in how we REJECT the SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTIONS implanted within these illusory, luciferian MINDS, (which we believe to be our mind), that determines what becomes our reality. An example of the corrupting influence of light can be seen in this example. A wheat seed found in an Egyptian tomb dating thousands of years old was exposed to the light and sprouted. At first it would seem the light of this 3D experience gave it life. In reality, the wheat seed only lived a few months. The divided light of the rainbow killed its ability to be eternal. In the absence of light, the wheat seed could have remained intact virtually indefinitely, even in the 3D sense of things.

Getting Rid Of DEATH It is this very concept that the luciferian / illuminati intellectually indoctrinated elite, working on behalf of this luciferian minded egregore group prince, have thrust upon the world. They look upon death as life and life as death. They don’t hesitate to sacrifice the illusory body of humanity to their THOUGHT BASED god concept. In the mind of the illuminati elite, its a good thing for the common man to experience death. Its in death that the illuminati thinkers and all luciferian-minded people, believe the soul can reincarnate, or be born again and move onward and upward. This is bullshit. In reality,we don’t have a soul or a spirit, except for the illusion of these concepts in the 3 dimensional plane. Soul and spirit are the misnomers attempting to replicate our original awareness. Once we reconnect to wisdom through awareness, by removing the shackles of religion and intellectualism, which in turn is to REMOVE the BELIEF that the 3 DIMESIONAL EXPERIENCE is REAL, it becomes extremely clear that we are, and always have been here, in this one moment and eternal state.

"EGO THOUGHT IT KNEW SOMETHING!" Why should we then be concerned about losing something that’s not there in the first place? There are no numbers in the infinite awareness state. Everything in the 3 dimensional natural realm is based on Real Pi (3.141…with endless decimal numbers) and the Golden Mean, or Phi (1.618…with endless decimal numbers) which have no ability to support any religious, magical, geometric, mathematical, algebraic, chemical, astrological or numerological formula. Pi and Phi are concerned with light energy, which is the corrupting force in this physical realm, and is what the physical realm is totally formed of. Then, when the egregore thinking entities play the natural forces it created against the man made systems it also inspired, (a process called DUALITY), that incorporate the sacred geometric equations, the result is illusion of endless greed, death, disease and fear. To those in the illusory TRANCE STATE, the greed, death, disease and fear all seem totally real, yet, it remains a complete fabrication and separation from REALITY." End Quote
A Quote from a blog reader and friend sent me this in an email to me. Well said...thank you for the reminder!

Quote: "You may remember we exchanged a couple emails some months ago. I wanted to drop you a quick message as a reminder...

Remember: In actual reality, everything is fine. There is no need to defend a position... for, to even have a position is to place yourself somewhere as opposed to nowhere. Humanity can't wake up. It is impossible... even for those who are aware of the Trance State. One can only be aware of what appears to be transpiring in this single eternal moment. I realize it is difficult (I catch my 3D self getting drawn into the illusion often)... but, try not to get pulled into argument / debate about what is true or not true.

Truth is simply yet another mental construct that maintains Duality. For something to be 'true', there has to be a 'false'.


THROUGH SACRIFICE TRUTH = TTRUH = TT / RUH = TT / RAH = DOUBLE CROSS / RA (sun god) There will always be those who will want to debate and argue on your blog.

REMEMBER... this is simply the 3D illusory mind doing what it does. It is of no concern... because it is not who and what we are and has NO basis in reality whatsoever. Don't let 'someone else's' luciferian mind draw 'your' own luciferian mind into argument / debate. All 'our' minds are the SAME mind... and we both know what that is. It is for this reason that Bryan Kemila has disabled comments on his blog. The desire to debate ALWAYS comes from the mind. The mind / thought process cannot do anything else. Period. Those that take exception to your blog are simply fake 3D 'people' responding to subliminal programing the way all of us fake 3D 'people' are designed to respond.

Again, it is of no concern, as it is not who they / we really are... and has no effect whatsoever on the original Wisdom State, which is always present and eternal and perfect. Stay present. It is all there is." End Quote


  1. Great post and cool vid!
    And summed up nicely in that email...

    yes, I believe that the only thing we should 'do',
    is create beauty,
    and when we teach this to our children,
    then they are living miracles
    as are we
    as we are working to create a beautiful world...

    because there are those that are working in the opposite direction,
    and in this dualistic 3D construct,
    we must do what is true in our hearts...

    : )

  2. Thank you for your comment my friend.

    Readers...a reminder: This so called "new belief system" we seem to follow is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking, channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light workers to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they must be filled with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are simply walking deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape.

    The purpose of humanity is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are we here to worship a God in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.


    To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.

    We are already in our Paradise State! We don't need this plant or universe to create anything. No thing is who we are!

    We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit.

    We are WISDOM!

    We KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would be AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the fountain of wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!

    The THOUGHT PROCESS is the TRANCE STATE. The THOUGHT PROCESS is the 3D realm. Remaining emotionally connected to things of the 3 dimensional realm, keeps us in this TRANCE, and conversely, detaching emotionally from believing that any of this is real, allows the realization and power of the eternal state to be ours, RIGHT NOW."

  3. Interesting idea, but I'm not to have ideas - you're carefully detailed argument against argument itself seems Catch-22ish - I guess you're trapping yourself, manifesting in this plane momentarily for a blog and a bite to eat. Last I looked I'm still here, even when dead drunk asleep - and then I throw up.

  4. It woupd be absolutely persuasive if you would dematerialize intoma zen forever and then briefly rematerialize in my kitchen to say hey, dIsappear yourself yo

  5. Thank you for your comments Anon. Since I, me, you, us, we are not here, I can neither appear or disappear... because we don't exist.

    You’re either in the trance and don’t see what’s really going on, or you’re out of the trance state. Once you’re out, the perception of what the trance entails increases with every question posed, and the awareness keeps solidifying. The memory of the trance exists even when you see through the scam and deceit. This is because the new freedom state of existence is non-dimensional and no suggestion has ever been implanted to cause you to forget what was experienced in the trance state. The reason for this is that none of us we’re supposed to get out the trance, ever! The luciferian egregore were certain that the trance would hold.

    If you comprehend that humanity is in a mass hypnotic trance, and that the whole 3D experience is an illusion that is perpetuated by a master egregore group hypnotic force, the luciferian mindset, then your trance has been broken


  6. Att: ANYONE or ALL.

    A Calling to All Freedom-Seeking People,

    Dedicated to those who have gone before us!

    Isn't it better to know the truth & immobilize things that are not in our best interests or ought we plant our fearful corporate-farmed heads collectively in the sand & be '..ucked' from behind and wasted without permission?
    Our moral obligation as people who are working towards universal social, cultural and economic harmony is to find and use the smoothest possible path that maximizes Humanity’s potential collective ability to bring an end to corporate deceptions and adopt a world-universal reality system of natural sustainability.
    We each have a truly basic obligation to ourselves, as family members of Humanity itself, to be objectively self-responsible and realistically truthful with ourselves and the destructive belief systems which we are programmed to support.
    Under the dark cover of deception, we have all been led down ‘the garden path’ of treats and sweets,… blindly submitting to our own foolish destruction by thinking it’s all OK. But it’s not OK!
    Collective Cause Consideration
    1.  Self Declaration of Intent (Global Census-of-Intent)
    2.  Global Truth/Sorcery Inquisition and Closure.
    3. Effect:  Announcement of Global Mind-Freedom.
    (The end of Evil, Corporate Brutality and Toxic Human Control!)

    “We, unaccustomed to courage
    exiles from delight
    live coiled in shells of loneliness
    until love leaves its high holy temple
    and comes into our sight
    to liberate us into life.
    Love arrives
    and in its train come ecstasies
    old memories of pleasure
    ancient histories of pain.
    Yet if we are bold,
    love strikes away the chains of fear
    from our souls.
    We are weaned from our timidity
    In the flush of love’s light
    we dare be brave
    And suddenly we see
    that love costs all we are
    and will ever be.
    Yet it is only love
    which sets us free.”
    Olive E. Dunn World Freedom Activist 1918-2012
    Overdue World Video Invitation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evxSk8NHh-Y
    Please direct any questions to: warmich28(at)bigpond.com


    Focus: Global Bullying and Depression Prevention Program.
    Humanity as a Whole-Mind Truth Awakening.
    (Part of a universal World Release Event.)

    Hello One and All,

    My name is John A. Lennon. I am an ex-prisoner of ill health and corporate mind-control programs, one of many victims who have escaped and now able to help widen the escape route for other prisoners of World power organizations and consumer mind control technology.

    World populations are becoming aware that the general meaning of suffering and sacrifice has already been upgraded with greater levels of deception and fear.

    If our prime interests as highly dependent existence stakeholders are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we would need to use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple and universal to all people’s beliefs and socioeconomic cultures.

    Rather than more wars and corporate-controlled mind-poisoning agendas as reason to sustain economic power-systems, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than a Global Census of Self-Intent, being a simple universal means of determining-by-action how individuals and populations want to exist.

    A Census of Self-Intent is a very simple and practical way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what sustainable values they truly support, whether it be more destruction or a new World System without war, corruption and fear. This is a truly universally way of arousing each person’s ‘real-self’ with enthusiasm to implement appropriate new action towards sustainable collective happiness on a Global scale.

    If you have already escaped or have a desire to escape from corporate harm, then the attached System-accountable life-security information may be useful to your quality of life and the lives of the people you have relations with.

    (Intent driven action to control people’s minds for power and profit automatically becomes naturally accountable to consequential victim declaration!)

    John A. Lennon World Mind Freedom Assistant


    Focus: Global Bullying and Depression Prevention Program.
    Humanity as a Whole-Mind Truth Awakening.
    (Part of a universal World Release Event.)

    Hello One and All,

    My name is John A. Lennon. I am an ex-prisoner of ill health and corporate mind-control programs, one of many victims who have escaped and now able to help widen the escape route for other prisoners of World power organizations and consumer mind control technology.

    World populations are becoming aware that the general meaning of suffering and sacrifice has already been upgraded with greater levels of deception and fear.

    If our prime interests as highly dependent existence stakeholders are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we would need to use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple and universal to all people’s beliefs and socioeconomic cultures.

    Rather than more wars and corporate-controlled mind-poisoning agendas as reason to sustain economic power-systems, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than a Global Census of Self-Intent, being a simple universal means of determining-by-action how individuals and populations want to exist.

    A Census of Self-Intent is a very simple and practical way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what sustainable values they truly support, whether it be more destruction or a new World System without war, corruption and fear. This is a truly universally way of arousing each person’s ‘real-self’ with enthusiasm to implement appropriate new action towards sustainable collective happiness on a Global scale.

    If you have already escaped or have a desire to escape from corporate harm, then the attached System-accountable life-security information may be useful to your quality of life and the lives of the people you have relations with.

    (Intent driven action to control people’s minds for power and profit automatically becomes naturally accountable to consequential victim declaration!)

    John A. Lennon World Mind Freedom Assistant


    Focus:  Corporate Bullying and Depression: Prevention Program.

     Collective Cause-Preventive Universal Dialogue.

     A better socioeconomic World Environment, NOW!

    Hello One and All,

    My name is Peter Mitchell. I am one of the many open minded ‘free-life’ agents currently engaged in assisting as many people as possible to register their intention-to-activate the attached personal escape-to-freedom plan. Access to mind-freedom and happiness has become a global priority and is now not beyond anyone’s reach. Even for major depressive self-harm disorders, this naturally unique mind-release program is a very non-scary risk-free adventure out of the dangerous darkness of mind deception and emotional victimhood.

    Our mission as an exploding collective of focused individual free-life agencies, is to ensure our communication dialogue is in compliance with the natural universal laws and regulations that govern every aspect of existence and to foster a diverse and inclusive mind environment that ensures equal opportunity through policy development, workforce analyses, outreach, and education to best serve all existence stakeholders (ie., Humanity and Mother Earth).
    Our evolving mission includes (1) advancing its efforts to be a model agency for global audiences, including eliminating barriers and deficiencies, and proactively addressing people’s concerns; (2) engaging naturally informed forerunners in proactive equal opportunity and diversity-inclusive initiatives and programs to enhance self-implementation of emotional intelligence and non-polarised thinking; and (3) promoting accountability, universal education, and communication on holistic life-skills, diversity, and inclusion matters with existence stakeholders to facilitate collective self-empowered service and responsibility to Humanity’s ‘free-willed’ sustainability.
    If our prime interests as highly dependent existence stakeholders are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing universal knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we would need to use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple and universal to all people’s beliefs and socioeconomic cultures.

    Without a global people’s plan-of-action to stop the real cause of Humanity’s suffering, our greatest certainty is that the quality and numbers of preventable mental and physical disorders will continue to consume the natural lives of millions of victims at an increasingly alarming rate.

    What you have received within this information-packed delivery is ‘A Self-Registry of Intent’, a very simple and practically responsible way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what life-support values they truly want, whether it be more destruction or a new World Reality System without war, corruption and fear. This is a truly universally way of arousing each person’s ‘real-self’ with enthusiasm to implement appropriate new action towards sustainable harmony on a Global scale.

    If you consider that this System-accountable life-security information may be extraordinarily useful, especially to the lives of the people you have personal, social or business relations with, then we urge you to collaborate with us and as many people as you possibly can during Humanity’s transition away from polarized life-destroying negative emotional ‘response-to-circumstances’ belief systems (ie., Spells!).

    Kind regards,
    Peter Mitchell…………. Global ‘FREE-LIFE’ Assistant
