"Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name, body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as well be." - Bryan Kemila, IlluminatiMatrix


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Friday, July 24, 2009


"EVERYTHING IS OK" Very Interesting Series of Films Concerning Human Beings Interaction, Awareness, Love & The Perception of Freedom.

Private Property:
Danny and Charlie go out to St Paul's Cathedral, the London Stock Exchange, and the Bank of England spreading a universal message of peace and love; namely, that EVERYTHING IS OK. These are our experiences with the people who do not want that message told to the fine citizenry of London. We do learn, however, that most places are designated as (the illusory) "private property" and as such freedom of speech, human rights, and normal human decency do not apply.

The Hunt for Terror:
After a member of the Police Hugging Squad was detained for filming outside the USA Embassy in London earlier this month, the Undercover Anti-Terror Squad returned to spread the message of peace and love in order to prevent the end of the world by self-fulfilling prophecies of fear. We manage to hypnotise a young Policeman, perform a couple of songs, and find out how easy it is to get people to prove they are not terrorists.

Camden Stories:
It's time to wake up and for the people to reclaim this world from the forces of fear and ignorance. These are our adventures in Camden. Namaste. Peace. Love. Salaam. Shalom

Corporate Requiem:
We go to the belly of the corporate machine; Oxford Street in central London, and we rescue a hippy from the Police in Trafalgar Square by calling in the Police Hugging Department and sharing the love.
In this video we find that the Police are starting to warm to us and leave us alone to walk around London and call it like we see it. They are on our side, as they are fellow humans. We also interview people and we're humbled with how honest and beautiful people are. Thank you to everyone for your messages of support and love. We would not be brave enough to do this without the good feelings you bring to us. Thank you, Charlie & Danny (and friends)

Thanks to Olly for his wonderful song "A Call to Arms for Hippies"
This video is our call to charms. A call to love and spreading the good vibrations.

Child Soldiers:
It's just a choice between fear and love. They are opposing forces. We see how a fevered addiction to power drives men mad. It separates them from the cosmic consciousness. As much as their fears are figments of their imagination, they manifest this fear in a vice like grip of the physical world, which in effect drives you to fear too. The system is complete. Within it love and fear co-exist in mysterious ways. Which will you resonate?

The Royal Edition:
Oh how fabulous! A royal family! People who are born better than us! This was the most fun one to film in my opinion although we kept getting rained on. The rain almost ruined the Queen's Garden Party! Thanks for watching :)

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
~ Henry David Thoreau

Let this be the criteria by which you measure all things: Is this an act of love?

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." D- r. Wayne Dyer

"The greatest good we can do for others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs." ~ Zig Ziglar

"The cost of a thing is the amount of what I call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run." - Henry David Thoreau

"Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself." - Henry Miller

"You are what your deep driving desire is; As your deep driving desire is, so is your will; As your will is so is your deed; As your deed is so is your destiny." - The Upanishads

"You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge." - Eckhart Tolle

"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world." - Shakespeare, William

"You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should." - Ehrmann, Max

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Fish Liberation (The Battle for Swear Words)

I met Danny who led to the creation of these videos. I met his friend Tanya who spoke to me about synchronicity. I went to the park and saw the (then clean!) pond. Summer approached, and I attempted to make a non-political video....about fish....this is what happened. Always carry your video camera, it's a great backup tool for when ego-power tries to mess with your day.

Special thanks to Olly (OllytheOctopus) for the audio tracks in the video.

Shopping for CCTV:
They can film you; you most definitely cannot film back. It's very naughty.

This a complimentary film to the above series.

Reversing Big Brother, They Hate Being Filmed, Do They Have Something To Hide?

Photographers Rights And The Law In The UK - A brief guide for street photographers.

Know your rights when you're out with your camera.

Despite the law being clear on a citizen's rights to freely take pictures in public places (with a few restrictions) there is growing evidence of the police, police community support officers (PCSOs), security guards and general jobsworths failing to respect the rights of photographers going about their lawful business.

Street shots.
If you're on a public right of way - such as a public pavement, footpath or public highway - you're free to take photographs for personal and commercial use so long as you're not causing an obstruction to other users or falling foul of anti-Terrorism laws or even the Official Secrets Act (frankly, this one is unlikely).

Property owners have no right to stop people taking photos of their buildings, so long as the photographer is standing in a public place (e.g. the road outside).

However, if you're standing on private property and the landowner/occupier objects, then they have every right to request that you stop immediately and ask you to leave if you refuse.

Shopping Centres.
Most shopping centres and malls stand on private land with many gaining a notorious reputation for speedily dispatching stroppy security guards demanding that you stop taking photos.

The irony that they're already busy filming you from every angle via a flotilla of CCTV cameras is generally lost on them.

Deleting images.
Security guards do not have stop and search powers or the right to seize your equipment or delete images or confiscate film under any circumstances.

For more info on photographers rights, please visit:

Special thanks to:

We are a Non-Profit Free Thinkers Network Co-Creating Alternative Timeline towards 2012 & Beyond http://youtube.com/ExomatrixTV

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